FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMinneapolis based "Dark Metal" act Epicurean has officially signed a one album deal andmanagment contract with JCM Records. Epicurean's debut full length "V.II R.VI" will beofficially released worldwide on Tuesday, October 14th, with a"pre-release" date set fortheir gig at the Main Event in Fridley, MN on Saturday, October 4th. Advance CD's and brandnew T-Shirts will be on hand for sale only at this show before the worldwide release date. Epicurean first formed back in January of 2001 and went through various lineups trying tosolidify their style. Along the way, 2 demos were recorded to positive responses - Aprilof 2001 saw the release of "De Natura Deorum", and in July of 2002 the "Metalfest Promo" was released. Along the way, Epicurean has opened for such Metal luminaries as Dimmu Borgir, TheHaunted, Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, Avernus, Grey Skies Fallen, Serberus, The Chasm, andSomnus, among others.The band was put on ice over the winter of 2002-03 while personnel issues were sorted out.Meanwhile, the finishing touches were put on the album by the remaining members and thethen session guitarist, Rob Nesco. In the spring of 2003, 3 new members were hired andEpicurean was resurrected: Rob Nesco (L. Gtr.), Angelia (B. Gtr.), and John Laramy (V.);each bringing their own personal and fresh elements to the band. <br>JCM Records is a new upstart indie, and recently released a record by a San Diego basedThrash Metal band, Enraged. Enraged recently completed a 2 week trek throught the US whichproved to be very successful for the band. JCM records has also released an album entitled"Insomnia" by the Sweden based melodic Death Metal band Pandemonium in 2002, in addition to2 compilation CD's released in 2001: "Power From The Underground Vol. 1" and "Tortured SoulsVol. 1", featuring Power Metal and Death Metal bands, respectively. The JCM Records websitealso houses an e-store, where an assortment of CD's can be purchased. JCM Records'worldwide distribution reaches such countries as: Canada, UK, Germany, Japan, Russia,Scandinavia, Spain, and of course, the US. Visit the JCM Records website for more has 2 promotional appearances set up in conjunction with the release of V.II R.VI.The first one being this Saturday, September 27th on the long running Root Of All Evil radioprogram on KFAI FM 90.3 (Minneapolis) and 106.7 (St. Paul), which is also webcasted via RealPlayer at The show runs from 1:06am Saturday night (Sundaymorning) to 6:00am. Epicurean will appear on-air to give a sneak peek of the album, and topromote their next gig with Cold Colours (who are also slated to appear on the program).More information can be found at The next promo appearance will bethe aforementioned "pre-release" party with Cold Colours and All The Pretty Horses at theMain Event, in Fridley, MN, at 9pm. A slew of live dates are to follow, with most being inthe negotiation stage right now. The initial plans are to tour the midwest and branch outfarther into the new year as things shape up.For more information about Epicurean, please visit the official homepage at links: (band) (label and booking) (booking) (radio and Root-O-Evil Records)