New Sindelar tune (metal but not quite)


quite a douchebag
Dec 18, 2005

I recorded a new song and tried my best not to repeat the same mistakes I always make! I think this is (mix-wise) my best attempt ever, which makes me happy happy joy joy :) :) ! Anyway the song starts slow and mellow (think Cranberries meets Explosions in the Sky), but develops into something more ballsy further on.

Sindelar - Swift

Note of caution to people with acute ears - guitars are *slightly* out of tune here and there, I've tried my best to re-tune after a few takes, but it's probably the heat (apartment faces west).

Any feedback appreciated, cheers!

Hey man, I loved the tune. Thought the mix sounded great too! Real open and airy....... Kind of a Cold Play feel to it. I liked the transition piece in the middle too...what a surprise!!!! Nice to hear something different. btw, need vocals? Really cool man!