New site


Nov 27, 2001
We're in need of a new site.
Any1 one you maniacs that feel for making one?

We want to be able to update the site with news through internet-admin or something.
php-scripting and stuff... mm..
Any1 interested?
Contact me! :rock:
Well this thread was shown to me by someone else (wartooth, for the name-drop :p) so hi all.

I don't know how many offers you've already had, but you'd probably get more for roughly outlining the work involved. i.e. Is this just updating the current site to use PHP, or a new layout to go with it? I quite like the current layout...

If it's just PHP, you can consider this a free offer for the love of metal. I've about three years of PHP behind me, I'm just not brilliant at making things look awesome enough for the entire world to see, so if "new site" means "new layout", then I'm afraid I'll have to pass up this one. ;)

Either way, good luck. :)
Well this thread was shown to me by someone else (wartooth, for the name-drop :p) so hi all.

I don't know how many offers you've already had, but you'd probably get more for roughly outlining the work involved. i.e. Is this just updating the current site to use PHP, or a new layout to go with it? I quite like the current layout...

If it's just PHP, you can consider this a free offer for the love of metal. I've about three years of PHP behind me, I'm just not brilliant at making things look awesome enough for the entire world to see, so if "new site" means "new layout", then I'm afraid I'll have to pass up this one. ;)

Either way, good luck. :)

Mmm.. that could work.
So you could make a php-backbone and use the "old" layout (the layout that's on the site today)?
We would REALLY appreciate this!!
'Cause it would help us (the members of skyfire) to update the site with info, images, new songs etc.

Let me know what you think about it. :)

Mmm.. that could work.
So you could make a php-backbone and use the "old" layout (the layout that's on the site today)?
We would REALLY appreciate this!!
'Cause it would help us (the members of skyfire) to update the site with info, images, new songs etc.

Let me know what you think about it. :)


Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Just let me know what you need to be able to do. Things like which parts should be editable from the site, and what it should all be capable of doing. Don't hold back on the description even if you think it'd be too much work, tell me what you want and I'll tell you what's possible, which will most likely be all of it. ;)

Soon as I have that info, I can start doing this for you. It'd also be a help if you can send me the current layout in a zip file, it'd make it all easier for me to put around your layout. I'll start doing what I can for now, and when you've told me what you want it to do, I'll add that as well. :)

Thanks for the opportunity. You rock :)