New Skid Row


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Just downloaded the title track from the upcoming Skid Row album, to be released next month. Sounds pretty good, and pretty rocking! The vocalist is no Sebastian, but then that's to be expected. Sounds pretty good, but dunno how he'll go singing the old stuff live.

Anyway, anyone who's interested can download the song from You might have it already though...... Let me know what you think about it.

I just like talking about Skid Row. :)
Thick Is The Skin? I've had that for a while, not too bad a song but i HATE the production and the vocals aren't that good either...
:worship: SKID ROW!

It just wont be the same though :cry: But they are brilliant songwriters so im sure it will be good :)
I downloaded it on 6th May 2002. :)
I like it!

I'm pretty sure the album has been re-recorded a few times since then Trent, so the copy you and I have heard would only be the demo.
Yeah they rerecorded the entire thing because they werent happy with it apparently, i wish they would just hurry up and release it!
Ohhh good coz the production really sucked on the one I heard. Especially the guitar sound. It sounded like it wasnt produced at all... really rough.
Yeah on the site they said that if you have an old version you should download the one they've got on there because it's been redone etc. The production sounds good on this one. Hehe yeah I guess the song's been out for a while! The main reason I posted was that they finally have a release date for the album..... I was thinking the other day that they've been talking about a new album for ages, but have been about as productive in the last couple of years as have Vanishing Point.
What about Guns N Roses? Hahahaha how long has Chinese Democracy meant to be coming out for LOL!

Vanishing Point's album will be out at the end of the yaer hopefully but their producer is overseas at the moment and they have to wait for him to come back to finish the record. Plus they've been having problems getting into the studio, they keep going in for a couple of weeks at a time then someone else has it booked, but its almost done. They just need to do the last of the vocals and the last of the guitar solos then mix and master it.
Apparently this one is actually pretty technical, lots of big guitar solos and stuff. I hope they don't try to make it too technical and take away from the awesome catchiness that makes them so good...
spawn said:
It will also sound like Meshuggah Gorey :)


I had to put in my 2c there. I remember reading a review of when they played some festival in Europe and the guuy was gushing about all the great solos they played. I listened to the album and thought, "Dude, what drugs were you on that day? There's more lead guitar on a Korn album than there is on this!"

Great band though.
I had a sneak preview of the new VP while I was in Melbourne last (unfinished, etc.) and it's gonna be a killer! Very classy stuff and the production already is miles ahead of Tangled...!

I think more than a few people are gonna be impressed with it when it's out! :)
I think Tangled is overproduced too but not in a bad way, I think it suits the songs really well. Has an awesome kinda soundscape going on, great atmosphere!

In Thought is still my favourite though just coz the songs are all killers!