New skins on the official site


Feb 13, 2002
I know this topis was discussed few times on this board but nearly six months passed by and there aren't any new skins on the Anthrax official site yet. Hey, what's up? To be honest, I'm not a frequent visitor anymore as I used to be but I really love those skins that we can choose from there. We were promised the other skins related to Bush era but there's still nothing. I know now it's time of the reunion and the band prefers to present albums from the Belladonna era only (and as it were "hide" the rest) but in my judge when they "uncovered" the SOWN skin (just because of Dan Spitz on that record..?), they should finish the job. The skins on WWW.ANTHRAX.COM should be focused on the whole band's records, not only to the seven ones. I know that a plenty of you give a flying fuck about Bush era skins but as for me, seeing a "V8" skin would cool! :headbang:
Yep. They're NEVER gonna make anymore Bush-era skins for the site because of the reunion. :Smug: They're definitely trying to act like "those" albums never happened. Yep, that's the ticket. :loco: It has nothing to do with the one guy who's running the site, the CDC, and merchandise, and such and such...

While some of you were jumping to conclusions, I was talking to Brent (the guy who runs the websites) about the sites. He's got his hands full, so I will be helping with the CDC.

Now, someone please come up with some other urban legends about Anthrax and start some more bullshit, please. Thank you.
I want new skins more than anybody but alas I have to give you something to look forward too!!!

Those skins took a lot of time to create and I've been busy with CDC. BUT there is a new one coming soon!!! The rest of the Bush era albums won't probably get done until next year. I wish it could be done faster but Anthrax isn't my day job (Taco Bell is) and what we have now is the best time and money can afford.

I also really wanna get a podcast and RSS feed going. Damn you Taco Bell!!!
ThraxDude said:
Yep. They're NEVER gonna make anymore Bush-era skins for the site because of the reunion. :Smug: They're definitely trying to act like "those" albums never happened. Yep, that's the ticket. :loco: It has nothing to do with the one guy who's running the site, the CDC, and merchandise, and such and such...

While some of you were jumping to conclusions, I was talking to Brent (the guy who runs the websites) about the sites. He's got his hands full, so I will be helping with the CDC.

Now, someone please come up with some other urban legends about Anthrax and start some more bullshit, please. Thank you.

I heard that, at night, when they're not peforming, all the current members of Anthrax turn into the minions of Cthulu and eat the brains of unsuspecting people.
LuvataciousSkull said:
I heard that, at night, when they're not peforming, all the current members of Anthrax turn into the minions of Cthulu and eat the brains of unsuspecting people.

I´ve heard they turned into Rush Limbaughs. And then they eat the brains of unborns and Dolph Lundgren-fans! :devil: