New Skylab (my band) track

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
For anyone interested:

Been working on our follow-up to Artificial for, oh, about 4 years now. As there's only the two of us, it's a very slow process. Took about a year off to focus on other we've got 2, maybe 3 songs left to write lyrics for and then we'll start recording everything...probably at home, possibly mixed in a studio. Considering handing it over to Giuseppe from Novembre to mix, but there's the whole cash flow problem. I think we're gonna stay a studio band, as it's very difficult to find people interested in this type of music.

The new one will be much darker, much more strange, but at the same time a bit meaner and colder.

This was just a rough vid done over our Logic recordings with the guitar and synths...unmixed and raw. It's not as black metal as Artificial but a bit more sci-fi, I would say. So, without further ado, I give you Emanuele:

Wasn't a big fan of the intro riff, but it got real good and catchy afterwards. The leads were especially catchy and the synths were tastefully done. Good job. Do you guys have a vocalist, or is your band instrumental only?
We're both the vocalists, at least in the studio. The last one was done completely by him alone but I joined right after and tried to make it a band with other members, but that didn't work out. Played live once with me handling guitar, vox, and vocoder duties and him handling drums and iMac. We can do it but it doesn't get to the level we want and we can't compromise on that. These songs have lyrics to them, we just have to record them and fit them in there, try to see whose voice best fits which part and such.

We're spot-on and perfect when we play comes naturally for us but others don't share our synch for some reason. Tried several singers and even several guitarists, but everyone's a prima donna and wants to "make their mark" on things that are already done. The last time I checked we decided to have a friend help us with an additional guitar live so I could drop the guitar and really belt out the vocals for songs like

and to add an extra layer of depth with two guitars while I sing and play


but it simply was not to be, I guess.

We should change our name to wow-we''s-just-too-bad-everyone-else-is-a-lazy-douche.
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We'd love to have you,'s a shame more people don't think like you.

Everyone here wants to play glam metal or death metal or deathcore's quite sad because there are literally thousands of great musicians around here just wasting away, copying everyone else.

All we really need is another guitarist to help me out while singing some songs or someone to sing so I can take sole guitar duties. You'd think it wouldn't be so difficult to find people after 4 years.
All I can say is :kickass::kickass: and where can I purchase Artificial?

Don't worry about it, man. I'll try to see about wrapping it up in dropbox or something and I'll just post the link here so you can download it.

If you want the hard copy in your hands with all the lyrics and such, just go to the myspace site and write Emanuele. There's a merch thingy where you just click and it'll open up your mail in order to write him and give your mailing address, payment options, etc. I'm not sure if we're using paypal or something else. In any case it's usually 10 euros plus shipping.