new smilies!

thanks for starting this thread :)
idiot me hadn't even noticed there were new smilies.... :rolleyes:

and imagine i saw this ham-smilie in the opeth forum and thought it was cracked.... :Shedevil:
oh! it would be even better if the IMG option was ON, then we could link smileys from other pages here :)
some are damn too funny :dopey:
i agree :)
maybe it is off so that beings like me won't be able to post their immature butterfly smilies :cry:



or to keep the forum level high and intelligent,like they are trying to do in the Katatonia forum :err: *would like to say smth,but controls herself* :devil:
seriously..i'm sort of afraid to post in there from now on......not that i was posting much there....
you're drunk and still able to type like this???? *impressed*

check this out : This part scares me:
"We’d like to keep the quality level of this forum high, so please follow the examples of most visitors here and keep your messages mature and intelligent. Continued immaturity will not be accepted. Criticism is okay, but insults are not. "
especially the maturity part....imagine if we had this kind of moderation here ,I will have gotten banned or sth :rolleyes: :D
uhmmmmm I would understand that on InFlames forum....but well then there wouldn't be any posters there ;)

btw: I guess it's Niklas who switched it off :rolleyes:
And there's still no serious smiley here. :guh: Damn, it seems I just need to write in such a way that people get the point, if I'm serious...

My favorite is this: :zombie: - I just can think of a situation it would fit well...

my faves are ;) :p :rolleyes: :cry: and :err:

rahvin: I'm not a girl dude ;)
btw: water's an extrange elemnent isn't it????

fathervic (tied to the mast)
:devil: :guh: :Spam:

I like all these smilies...

Hehe, the IF board and even the Hate Pit here are not bad compared to this one other board I used to go to (Dave Matthews Band). A lot of them were really sick. The place would be practically empty if that warning were posted and enforced. That warning kinda reminds me of them... :)
/me whispers back: then why are you tied on the mast? u r confusing me.. :rolleyes:
all the old smilies were way better. i'm still naively hoping they'll come back when this beta-testing's over. please, those who feel the same, help me remember mark about this every once in a while. :)

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