New song 5150 clip

Agreed that the tone is muddy. You have to cut a lot of that cab 'whoomp' out of there. I'd play around a bit more with mic positioning though.. the 5150s should record a bit better than that.
I agree on the low end woof, but it's not terrible (I've heard and recorded way worse!! :ill: ) - dipping a little somewhere in the 100-300 Hz range (and make it a really narrow dip with a high-Q) would probably help. Also agree on more high end; maybe try more presence/highs on the 5150 itself, depending on what your settings are now. Coming along nicely though dude! Didn't wanna use the Royer for this one?
I like it but like everyone else, I think it is a bit muddy. I would experiment more with miking and raise the presense and/or treble. A multiband compressor would help out the woofy palm mutes. I'm envious of you. You have all this expensive gear. I mean come on a 5150 and powerball? and a royer 121 mic! Maybe I should get a better paying job...