New song and mix.


New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2015
Check it out. I just need some feedback on what I should be working on to improve my mixes.

Steven Slate Drums, Trilian for bass (still working on getting a real bass), EVH Wolfgang guitar with Dimarzio Titan pickup through Bias FX with catharsis IRs. I can provide all stems if anyone is interested.


Sounds quite nice to my ears :) OH too loud and get rig of that crispiness from toms. Maybe snare and kick are too loud as well to my taste but it means that you need work on drums to glue everything together. Snare sounds bloody good though :) Good job!
Sounds quite nice to my ears :) OH too loud and get rig of that crispiness from toms. Maybe snare and kick are too loud as well to my taste but it means that you need work on drums to glue everything together. Snare sounds bloody good though :) Good job!

Man, thanks for that reply. This is exactly the kind of feedback I need. I'm going to work on the drums a little more to bring OH down, remove crispness from toms and overall glue. I'll post an update.
Hi dude,

Firstly start work on the drums and bass. Get rig of all unwanted low frequencies to make a lot of space to the rest of tracks (guitars, vocals et). Frequencies below 50Hz eat PLENTY of energy from THE WHOLE mix!

Check out my drums and bass I currently work on. Sounds nice and there is a lot of space but still unwanted low frequencies need to be removed.

Hi dude,

Firstly start work on the drums and bass. Get rig of all unwanted low frequencies to make a lot of space to the rest of tracks (guitars, vocals et). Frequencies below 50Hz eat PLENTY of energy from THE WHOLE mix!

Check out my drums and bass I currently work on. Sounds nice and there is a lot of space but still unwanted low frequencies need to be removed.

Thanks man. I think your comment on the overheads was dead on. I lowered them quite a bit actually and then I heard it. Everything was fitting a lot better. First thing I noticed is that guitars were more apparent in the mix now. I guess they were conflicting a lot with the cymbals. I had to bring the guitars down just a tad. I also lowered the kick and snare just a tad. I played with the levels a bit. I still need to do some work on the master bus after these changes, but here is the update version:

Here is the drums and bass only (I know... I need a real bass. I feel limited on what I can program. I rather just slap it):

and drums only:

I listened to my first two songs and now the only thing I hear is the overheads jumping out at me. Here is an example:

Let me know if it's better than it was before, then I know I'm heading in the right direction.
