New song "Arrow + Knee = Adventure Over" (Strats, Legion, SD2, Haunted Shores-esque)


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
I had been wanting to do something Haunted Shores-esque and started recording this about 6 months before abandoning all hope of finishing it. Got going with it last night and really felt inspired to finish it. I added a sub-drop to one of my songs for the first time ever as well, although they're quite overused so I probably won't resort to it in the future. Also added a post-rock style section in the middle for good measure and some synth arpeggios here and there. And I have a real bass too this time around!

Tell me what you think guys, slightly unexplored territory musically and mixwise!
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clips a bit, but guitars are SICK. I like the djenty kinda tone but it's not overdone so I think you nailed what you were aiming for. Song-wise it's just pure awesomeness. Good job sir!
This is awesome. I'd like to hear a little more low end but im a low end hog obviously lol. Good job dude.
bass tone is awesome!! I love the twang that the mix has I think it fits perfect, would love to hear more like this!
btw what'd you do for the bass tone?
clips a bit, but guitars are SICK. I like the djenty kinda tone but it's not overdone so I think you nailed what you were aiming for. Song-wise it's just pure awesomeness. Good job sir!

It isn't clipping, I've got everything limited, so it just may be that I'm driving the master limiter a bit too hard at points! Something to consider for future mixes.

I do like elements of the djent tone, but then I also like a smoother, more rounding distortion tone too so I tried to put elements of both into my guitar sounds. I used my Strat on this song so there's a bit more bite and twang but I think it really works for the style! And cheers dude!

cool song!

Thanks :D

This is awesome. I'd like to hear a little more low end but im a low end hog obviously lol. Good job dude.

I'm probably not going to get that much low end out of my strat, haha :)

I usually get an aggressive, bitey bass tone but I'm sure there's enough low end to spare! Cheers man!

bass tone is awesome!! I love the twang that the mix has I think it fits perfect, would love to hear more like this!
btw what'd you do for the bass tone?

Strats provide all the twang a man can need :)

Thanks! The bass tone is done by Guitar Rig 4 of all things, you can get really a really aggressive bass sound out of it. I also run a high pass to get rid of really low end flub and run Stillwell's rocket compressor on top with one of their bass presets, which really brings the bass to life!

Any more feedback on the track and/or mix would be awesome guys!
Good effort dude. Doing something like haunted shores is really hard because they have to much shit going on. But you caught the vibe.
I cannot stop listening to this!!! that first riff is seriously GOLD, so good. Might as well mention I've been following your stuff on SSO for a long long time! loved the EP
Good effort dude. Doing something like haunted shores is really hard because they have to much shit going on. But you caught the vibe.

I cannot stop listening to this!!! that first riff is seriously GOLD, so good. Might as well mention I've been following your stuff on SSO for a long long time! loved the EP

Cheers guys, thanks for taking the time to listen and I'm glad you like the track! I went for the Haunted Shore vibe but wanted to incorporate elements of my own 'style', if I could call it that.

too compressed, for my ears. too much pumping, imo. the guitar tone is great, though. good playing and mixing the guitars!

Definitely too much compression, and I want moarrr bass from this. Love the guitar tone though

There is a lot of compression on the track, which is probably something I went for because it's the done thing with 'djent' stylings. However, if there are particular elements that pump too much for regular human consumption, it would be grand if you could point those out. And probably could have use a bit more low end too I guess!
If you laid off the compression you'd have more headroom to add in the bass, that should be your motivation to ease up on the compression :D
Also, maybe drop a similair track in your DAW and reference it? just a thought
I like the song, and like the mix except as already said, it´s pumping a bit too much, I think the kick at the beginning gets a bit annoying cause it´s so high and pumping everything. Plus, the intro, IMO should be faded in, the fact that when the song kicks in it´s as loud as the intro, gives it no impact. It would be much cooler if the intro was lower and then it gets a bit louder when it breaks in
If you laid off the compression you'd have more headroom to add in the bass, that should be your motivation to ease up on the compression :D
Also, maybe drop a similair track in your DAW and reference it? just a thought

I like the song, and like the mix except as already said, it´s pumping a bit too much, I think the kick at the beginning gets a bit annoying cause it´s so high and pumping everything. Plus, the intro, IMO should be faded in, the fact that when the song kicks in it´s as loud as the intro, gives it no impact. It would be much cooler if the intro was lower and then it gets a bit louder when it breaks in

Awesome, thanks for the quick responses guys! I'm getting the vibe after listening to it a couple of times is that my kick seems to be the main culprit of the pumping so I'll take a look at that. I'll also roll back on the compression on the master track as well I think, as well as what I have going for each of the instruments. Pretty glad the guitars seem to have come through unscathed!

@DanLights: The high noise I'm hearing on the kick in the intro only seems to be on the soundcloud; on iTunes and in my DAW I'm not hearing, so it's probably the result of soundcloud's formatting. Here's a dropbox link to the song that may help on that front - + Knee = Adventure Over.mp3

Also, here a few of the mixes I used for my album, I'm guessing it probably has similar issues with too much compression and pumping? Orion.mp3
Not my style of music at all, but I LOVE the guitar sound. Something way different what you usually hear.

Well, I go for a mixture of the 'djent' tone and a smoother, warmer distortion as I am a fan of both. I used my Fender Stratocaster for this song though so a lot of the tone is from using a single coil bridge pickup :)