New song, does it sound shit!???


Sinister Haven \m/
Jul 13, 2009
UK, Islington
I have been working on some new shit recently and here one of my new songs is -

EDIT - Fuck esnips, have a dropbox link to the newest mix of this song, and it sounds a lot better to me! Of Bile - Mix 4.mp3

For the guitars I used TSS Tubescreamer, Lepou's Engl amp sim, Kefir, Ryan's S-Preshigh impulse, and ReaEQ.

For the bass I used the TSS Tubescreamer, TSE X30, Kefir, Ryan's Awesome4 impulse, ReaEQ.

And the drums were all samples, mainly from Erkan's awesome pack he put together :kickass:

Now, does this mix sound like shit? I was up until 4 in the morning today mixing this, and remember, this is a rough mix, it might make you :Puke: :lol:

Any advice, comments or criticism is welcome! Anything is good as everything can help me improve my shit!
my main complaint is the "HURRR LOOK AT ME IM METULZ" song title that doesnt really fit the music xD
inhalation of bile sounds like a brutal DM song, this isnt brutal DM. :D

guitar sound is sorta weird, but i quite like it, pretty filthy
How the fuck can you inhale bile, that would be an unbelievably stupid and unpleasant thing to do :lol::lol::rock: And esnips is fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay but this time it decided to work; is the hi-hat panned directly up the middle? Very weird and distracting, yank it to about 70 or 80 Left I'd say; other than that, the snare has a bad case of the boxies, the guitars work well, though I think I'm hearing a bass in here? If so, it has a kind of annoying nasalness to it's grind, which is poking through somewhat distractingly. My overall impression is that it's a decent mix though dude, comes together well :rock:
Thanks! I will be changing that name soon, I just needed a name and I needed it quick! The bass sound was pretty nasal, It actually sounded ok by itself, but doesn't sound to good with the song. I want a bass sound you can hear well, I will be changing that sound a bit though. The hi-hat is in the middle, so I will also be panning that away as well.
How the fuck can you inhale bile, that would be an unbelievably stupid and unpleasant thing to do :lol::lol::rock: And esnips is fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay but this time it decided to work; is the hi-hat panned directly up the middle? Very weird and distracting, yank it to about 70 or 80 Left I'd say; other than that, the snare has a bad case of the boxies, the guitars work well, though I think I'm hearing a bass in here? If so, it has a kind of annoying nasalness to it's grind, which is poking through somewhat distractingly. My overall impression is that it's a decent mix though dude, comes together well :rock:
Actually it would be pretty cool. It would be like "I don't need my gallbladder or my hepatic biliary ducts. Eat that, motherfuckas" :)

As I stated in the other thread, I do like the guitar tone, but I think the bass should be louder
Needs a bit more work but generally I like it :) Just try mixing it a bit better but great work :)