New song I recorded of my band....check it

Cool song, nice old school black metal, kinda reminds me of old Bathory.

On the mix: the drums are too much on the background, especially the kick. The bass guitar could be louder too. (Depends on the vibe you're going for, though. For a old school lo-fi sound it sounds too good already). :headbang:
I dig the song... a lot!!

yeah, kinda has that black metal rock and roll feel to it with the first riff, i like it...

I can only agree with salvation, i would turn up the kick and snare as well, cymbals might need a small boost as well..

Good stuff butcher!
Oh, and get that bass up!! it sounds filthy on it's own, and on and after 3:22, it has the volume level in the mix where i would have it, but that's all choices and up to you...
Guitars have a major off-axis vibe about them. They sound a bit too distant and unclear to me. But it's black metal, so I suppose you were aiming at that?

It's too dark for me too, but with black metal I can never really tell how much of the production is intentional and what is actually considered lacking.

Apart from that the mix seems pretty solid.