New song I'm working on


Dec 18, 2006
Hi, my band is recording our debut album and I've learned a lot in those days, so i decided to compose a song to record, also to show someone so I can get them to record with me...

it still has got some errors but I would like to know what do you think structure-wise principally (as i didn't even recorded bass yet).
And yes I plan to record this with real drums...

1) Music wise, Sound's good.

2) Production wise, The clean guitars in the intro, they sound like they're in mono here...

3) Try changing it up, In the intro pan the clean guitar to the left 100 % ONLY and then once the drums come in, bring in the right channel guitar. (Not sure if you know what I mean)

4) I also feel like the distorted guitar's could be brought up a bit.
The reason why it sounds mono is because the clean guitar is only tracked once. I think it sounds better having the clean guitar in the middle in the intro rather than just having one track panned hard left. I hate it when people go crazy with panning and the whole mix is pulled to the side, especially when listening on headphones. You should try dual tracking the intro and pan hard L/R. Also record a bass, because at the moment the guitars sound really thin and a bit fizzy, they're begging for a bass.

As far as material goes, let's just say it isn't my cup of tea and I generally dislike *core.
the clean at the beggining being in mono it's on purpose but if you really think that it should be double tracked then I might try that.

The thing is, clean guitars are only 1 take, just copied them over 3 different tracks (I will explain them later)
I never double track clean guitars, I just track them once then use reverbs delays and chorus to put them to sound bigger.

Now what you hear at the beggining is the track recorded then gone through an amp sim (Le456) with low drive settings, then when the song enters i pan that track hard right, then add another ampsim (different, i don't know which was it) with the same low gain settings panned hard left, and in the center it's a LeCto with completely clean settings, and in top of that I apply the Delays and reverbs...

And yes, I agree with Ascendant.
The reason why it sounds mono is because the clean guitar is only tracked once. I think it sounds better having the clean guitar in the middle in the intro rather than just having one track panned hard left. I hate it when people go crazy with panning and the whole mix is pulled to the side, especially when listening on headphones. You should try dual tracking the intro and pan hard L/R. Also record a bass, because at the moment the guitars sound really thin and a bit fizzy, they're begging for a bass.

As far as material goes, let's just say it isn't my cup of tea and I generally dislike *core.

Ascendant, When I said I felt like the clean guitar in the intro would sound good panned left, it was for effect purposes but once the drums came in, the double take of the clean guitar could come in on the right side.