New song of my band Catuvolcus (epic black metal)

epic black metal? sounds like melo death like wintersun but you know what fuck subgenres. I like the melodies going on and the vocals are great! coungratulations! Did you mixed/mastered/recorded/whatever it?
epic black metal? sounds like melo death like wintersun but you know what fuck subgenres. I like the melodies going on and the vocals are great! coungratulations! Did you mixed/mastered/recorded/whatever it?

Thanks for the comment! Yeah I recorded/mixed/mastered it and I composed this song although the album is composed 50/50 by me and another guy. I wasn't sure about the style, this song may be more melo death like you said but the rest of the album is definitely black metal. :heh:
I'm pretty outspoken and I tend to toss words around a lot without thinking, so it's a bit hypocritical for me to say this, but I will anyway: this above is a liberal use of the term "epic." I think you should have to earn that adjective.

^That being said, I dig the track.
I'm pretty outspoken and I tend to toss words around a lot without thinking, so it's a bit hypocritical for me to say this, but I will anyway: this above is a liberal use of the term "epic." I think you should have to earn that adjective.

^That being said, I dig the track.

Yeah I think in french we use the word epic in another way than in english haha, I should have said "Gaul black metal", or just "metal"...Happy you dig the track.
As long as the style ends up with 'metal' it's fine :).
We really cant judge your band's style with only one song (not that I care about tagging bands), but can you post at least one more song of this album if it's finished?
As long as the style ends up with 'metal' it's fine :).
We really cant judge your band's style with only one song (not that I care about tagging bands), but can you post at least one more song of this album if it's finished?

Yeah sure! I think in this song the most evident influence is Amon Amarth while in the other songs the influences are bands like Agalloch, Moonsorrow, Windir, even Alcest in one song.
epic war metal lol. I hate sub genres too but I like your tunes so I'll be waiting for this. I dig the vocals.