New sound experiment


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
yo dudes ,

Its been awhile since ive posted anything up so i figured id fire this ditty up to get some feedback :D for new song-01.mp3

trying a few new things for me on this one, im using a different tuning with 10's (im used to 13's) so theres been alittle bit of a learning curve for my playing.

I'd be interested to see what you guys think of the drums....

Also ive got alot less goin on with the master bus than i'd normaly have. Anyways...Lemme know what your thoughts are :goggly:

Guitars sounds like they've been nudged a bit ahead of the drums, tight but totally out of time. Snare sounds good. Kick sounds like its panned to the right, and is not great. Can't really say what to do with it, its stuff going on that you can't change without replacing it.