New Southern Cross single...

Stevie WOnder

Not so active member
Apr 19, 2006
Heya good people,

Here's the first single from their new disc "From Tragedy" that should be out in the coming months, still weighing their options as to how they'll do it.

For those of you who don't know them, they play some kind of power/prog with an Evergrey vibe. They're really melodic and the hooks are amazing.

Check it out!

Pretty good, but a bit of a departure from the style of the previous CD IMO. This song is kinda mellow for the most part, does it reflect the rest of the album?
Well written, sung and played stuff for sure though.
Hey Guillaume,

The previous disc was close to be an Evergrey worship. This one is a mix of many things and is more mature from my point of view. It's a mellower disc and it even has some kind of ballad but isn't really one. The best description I found for it is Dreamscape on acid. The melodies are huge and it's real catchy.

Here's a link to the thoughts I posted on the PM Board:

