Looks badass. I saw them in New Jersey just over a year ago and they put on a great show. I will most definitely be giving this album a listen.
Sick artwork as usual! I've seen them 3-4 times over the past couple years and they always bring it. Frank Mullen is a funny guy. They are so damn good live. They bring the heaviness for sure.

Fuck I can't stand Ohren's mixes for the most part... Everything is so pushed and compressed :/ Ugh.... Probably still gonna be the best production Suffo has had to date but something really rubs me the wrong way about Ohren's drum sounds.
Jon Zig, the guy who did the art, is a pretty famous tattoo artist based out here in Austin....good friend of mine. He also fronts a KILLER death metal band called Sarcolytic (features drummer of Disgorge) that one of my bands shares a practice space with. I have a huge backpiece that he did, and will be getting some work done on my arm by him soon.

Saw Suffocation 2 weekends ago and they were absolutely crushing.
BrettT, do you happen to know how his rates run? I'm close enough to consider getting work done in his shop, the only question is whether or not I can afford it.

wow, no shit. I like Austin more and more every day.

Bummed I missed the show a few weeks back - how was Whitechapel dare I ask?

I don't care for Whitechapel at all, but all the kiddos loved them and were kung-fu fighting like crazy. The whole 3 guitar player thing is useless in this band...I could have shot one of them in the head and no one would have heard a difference. I guess they're good at what they do, but I think that what they do sucks.