New Sylosis album available to stream now...

Fucking love this, really dark and warm sounding for a modern metal record which is by no means a criticism.

Playing is ridiculously tight and the mix rules overall.
It has to grow on me, and I'm sure it will. Sylosis are a class act, but I remember their first CD hitting me in the teeth, and the subsequent albums being a bit of a drag in comparison. Regardless, go Josh!
Loved Edge of the Earth and COAA but this didn't wow me on the first listen. Maybe its a grower.
Also not a fan of the kick. The kick is supposed to be source of consistency in the songs, and the left/right hits sound too different in certain sections resulting in a noticeably poor foundation. IMO
It's great if they do differ slightly, which i'm sure was the aim, opposed to the static same sampled sound you'd hear in every other metal album out there but it just ruined it a bit for me.
Empyreal was the song I've heard and the blew me away. Looking forward to picking this one up.
This band right here is one of the top metal bands around. I've been spinning this album for a while now and I didn't really like it the production at first but it's grew on me, a lot! Music is perfect, contender for best 2012 release, absolutely no doubt.