New Symphony X interview with Russ & Mr. Romeo


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Hey, in case anyone would like to read a funny, candid interview with Russell & Mike Romeo, it just went live at Royal Carnage a few days ago. You can get there just by clicking on the banner in my sig file, or by clicking the rotating animated GIFs that have been randomly appearing on any page. The interview itself is accessible right from the home page of our 'zine.

I did request permission to post this plug, though I never heard back. If this bothers anyone, my apologies in advance. Just wanted to make sure SymX fans knew about a cool interview. Enjoy!
rotf Macy.. sigh..
I think the interviewer guy would lose his gf to russ if she was given the chance by the sounds of what she was gettin up to in the interview.. not that i blame the girl.
There's only so many questions that can be asked, just about everything has been said in other interviews, why not just have a fun conversation...

Yeah, Russ is a nut (quacking and pretending to be an airplane? :lol: ) I hope they follow through on the North American tour after PP :rock:
Isn't it ironic that he was so exited about the paris show and that is when he asked his girl to marrey him.
Yeah, I thought about it too. I think he was already planning it at the time because it sounds like he just wanted to burst from keeping it a secret. Or maybe he really just digs Paris that much on it's own. What about Sweden!? :ill: :grin:
SilentRealm said:
rotf Macy.. sigh..
I think the interviewer guy would lose his gf to russ if she was given the chance by the sounds of what she was gettin up to in the interview.. not that i blame the girl.

LOL, but uh, no.

I'm far too good looking to lose her to Russ. ;)
Lord Of The Snow said:
In my eyes it's more a conversation than an interview and I found it pretty boring - especially the questions were not real questions so the answers are not very interesting after all.

Hey, that's cool, thanks for the feedback. Part of what made it such a treat was the fact that it was a conversation. Any monkey with a notepad and a mini-cassette recorder can ask the standard questions. Candid one-on-one conversations have so far always resulted in the best outcomes. But I'm sorry it didn't appeal to you. has plenty to offer though, so check out some other stuff. And thanks again for taking the time to read it and comment. Cheers.
markgugs said:
I'm far too good looking to lose her to Russ

uh huh.. lol..
Hell if i was given two men to chose between..brad pitt and russell allen.. russ is my choice :grin:.. not only is he sexy in that big gruff confident manly way.. but his voice is enough to make me and every other woman who comes within vocal range of him, fall to her knees in pure lust and awe.

And yeah if u make this claim i want pics pronto :grin:
Hell if i was given two men to chose between..brad pitt and russell allen.. russ is my choice .. not only is he sexy in that big gruff confident manly way.. but his voice is enough to make me and every other woman who comes within vocal range of him, fall to her knees in pure lust and awe.

I couldn't agree more. :grin:

I really liked the interview. The conversation allows for their personalities to show more than in just a regular inteview.
Well I'm very glad to see that the majority thus far really liked the interview. Believe me, I had a great deal of fun doing it, the guys were just superb.

Thanks to all who've stopped by or supported Royal Carnage in any way. You all :rock: