new Symphony X is godly


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Love their new album. Love the fact that it's straight up heavy metal, tonnes of old school influence, yet still some typical SX elements shining through.

Thing is, it's all about the songs now. Less wank, more drive this time round.

Then again, nothing wrong with their previous outings. The new album inspired me to listen to The Odyssey, V, and Divine Wings....and they're all excellent.

Great, great band. Great vocalist, superb guitarist, and the bass player uses more than one string.

Listening to it now, all the endless delays have been forgiven, this album smokes from beginning to end and is easily their heaviest (I'd still rank the last two above it)...yes, I've worn off their type of power/prog lately, but it's an indisputable truth as far as I'm concerned that few bands do that sort of thing better.
saw them live a few days ago, and they put on a fucking awesome show. russell allen is a great frontman, and his stage presence is great.
I really enjoy "V" but just find it a little too inconsistent. The first half smokes the 2nd half. "Communion and the Oracle" may be my favorite Sym X song though. Godly.

Agreed on "The Odyssey". Tried many times but failed to find anything truly memorable.
I hear ya. The problem with "V" is that it's too long to sit through in one go. If you start the album at "Egypt" it's not quite as exhausting. "The Death of Balance" and "A Fool's Paradise" are really excellent tracks.

I had a conversation with Mike Romeo once at L'Amours and I was telling him what a great song "Communion and the Oracle" was, and although he agreed, he said they wouldn't play it live. I think he thought they would lose the audience on that one. I practically begged him to play it and so they did. And since then, they've always played it. It works brilliantly live!
To me, the new symphony X was underwhelming. Especially after The Odyssey, which is one of my personal favorite albums.
Perhaps I will re-listen to The Odyssey. I own it and have not listened to it since the week I purchased it. I do not remember being too impressed. The song in the video posted is not that great to me either.
The Odyssey is quite underrated. I've never understood why. It has some good straight-forward metal tunes on it as well as the epic and brilliant title track. My only beef with it is you can't directly access the individual songs in the title track.