New take on TGOTE


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Oct 23, 2003
Pacific Northwest
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Considering the fact that we now know that the reunion talk started last summer, anybody else get the idea that TGOTE was in actuality a gift to all the John Bush fans for sticking with them through thick and thin? A way to give them what they always really wanted, which was John on record singing the old songs?

It sure seems that way to me, and as a big fan of both eras, I'll step up and say thanks!
Rozy157 said:
Considering the fact that we now know that the reunion talk started last summer, anybody else get the idea that TGOTE was in actuality a gift to all the John Bush fans for sticking with them through thick and thin? A way to give them what they always really wanted, which was John on record singing the old songs?

It sure seems that way to me, and as a big fan of both eras, I'll step up and say thanks!

well, thanks for gote. it's a great cd no matter how you look at it (john or joey). The idea for it was concieved in 03 and it was recorded in january of 04.
I think it took Rob and John by surprise (well, sort of. I mean I'm sure they've known about this for a long time, as it's been rumored since December or longer)...but I doubt this was even planned when GOTE was recorded.
Well by the way things are going. It looks like it was a gift as to say "Here you go, Bush singing 80's stuff.........You wont hear him on a new album"

Bush & Rob are awesome & nothing will change it
I Don't Die said:
Well by the way things are going. It looks like it was a gift as to say "Here you go, Bush singing 80's stuff.........You wont hear him on a new album"

Bush & Rob are awesome & nothing will change it

True. Well, Anthrax will not be seeing another one of my hard earned pennies, until Bush is back. Adios.

Back to "Powerslave"!
or maybe GOTE was to shamelessly promote Joey's material bang on time for the reunion. to create opinions and discussion, OMG!!!11!! John Vs Joey blah blah blah. John and Rob probably didnt even see the knife coming.
anthrax will also not be seeing another one of my hard earned pennies.
screw anthrax and their lack of respect for us fans.
we waited months for that crappy website and vague/vomit inducing press release.

max said:
anthrax will also not be seeing another one of my hard earned pennies.
screw anthrax and their lack of respect for us fans.
we waited months for that crappy website and vague/vomit inducing press release.


seeya,i dont appreciatre u putting shit on my fave band mate,show some respect
As I read the interviews for TGOTE I somehow got the impression that John wasn´t too happy with doing it.