New Thrash Song-(Pod X3-AD drums)

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Wrote a little thrash song today. Possibly gonna use it for Bloodjinn. Check it out. I am trying out Impulses again. I just cant convince myself that they sound better usually, but this time I am kind of feeling it.

Its the one called impulse test.

Guitars sound fuckin' great... I'm surprised cuz' i don't recognize the POD-iness i always seem to hear in POD clips. Is the greatness of the guitar sound only due to only using the POD amp sim without using the cab/mic sim and using impulses instead ?

The song seem great but it suffers from the lack of vocals i guess.

EDIT: Listened to the clip 3 times in a row...
I don't think the guitars sound great... Actually they do sound AWESOME. One of the best guitar sound (i mean rythm guitars especially, even if the lead guitars and clean guitars sound great also) i've heard on this forum and in general so far, and the kind of guitar sound i'm after.
But i guess we have to hear them in a "real mix" (by "real mix" i mean real recorded drums + real recorded bass + vocals, not the (great sounding) demo you've done using AD, where i guess you're focussing on getting a good guitar sound, as a guitar player yourself) to tell if they're just great or awe-fuckin'-some. I don't know if that makes sense to you guys. (I suck at putting my thoughts in the right words :) )
fuck'n wow man, I'm just getting into the "one man band" thing and I gotta say if that is the best I ever get i'll be more than happy. Congrats on this. :OMG: Horns up my friend and best of luck to you!

That sounds awesome!!
Drums could be improved but i guess this was more of a guitar tone search...
But, we need details on what guitar, what pickups, what amp model???
Love the song as well
it was the Diezel VH4 lead patch, with my Ibanez 7 string with stock pickups(bleh). Yeah the drums are mediocre but I kind of dig'em
it was the Diezel VH4 lead patch, with my Ibanez 7 string with stock pickups(bleh). Yeah the drums are mediocre but I kind of dig'em

Dual tracked ? Quad tracked ? Panning ? Amount of gain ? EQ on the POD ? EQ in your DAW ? Which impulse ? Same settings on each track or did you change something from one to another (EQ settings, impulse, post-EQ...) ?

Sorry but this tone is crushing so i'm gonna stalk you for details :)