New TNT: Farewell to Arms


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh
In a couple of weeks TNT are releasing their third album with Tony Mills called A Farewell to Arms. Personally, I dug the last 2 discs, especially Atlantis, though I do understand why others didn't like them.

To my ears, the samples of this latest offering are very promising, and it sounds like the band has finally given into fan-boy bitching and returned to their roots, sans Harnell.

Take a listen:
Ship in the Night
For me, it´s just the opposite to poundingmetal74. I don´t like at all last 2 TNT albums. I love Tony Mills voice but I consider that with Tony they only got "breaking" two bands: TNT and Shy.

About the new samplers, I´m surprised about "Ship in the night". It seems a great song.

It´s rumoured that it will be the last TNT album. Just remember the Tony Mills heart problems in the last years.
Just remember the Tony Mills heart problems in the last years.

Actually, the complete opposite is true. He's the one holding the band together. Harnell quit and the other members are scattered, doing their own thing. It's difficult to say if TNT would exist today without Mills.

In terms of the songwriting, that department is 90% Le Tekro's. He's a huge Beatles and 60s/early 70s rock fan so that's why Atlantis and New Territory sounded the way they did.

Atlantis had a few really good tracks on it, even if you only like TNT's first couple of records. The title track sounded like it was lifted off of My Religion.

That said, I'm curious to hear more of their new material, because Ship in the Night and Barracuda are promising samples.
Maybe I didn´t explain it well but I consider that both (what you say and what I said) are true. It´s difficult for Mills nowadays touring. A couple of weeks of some festivals here and there would be OK but not many more.

Yes, it´s true. Ronnie is the main man around TNT and the songwriter but I don´t agree in what you say about "Atlantis". I love TNT until "My religion". Even "My religion" is one the best TNT albums ever. However, in my opinion, "All the way..." is awful and "Atlantis" simply average. However, last 2 Shy records, "Unfinished business" and "Sunset and vine", are overwhelming.
Oh don't get me wrong, Atlantis wasn't a masterpiece, but I liked it. I think Mills tends to get blamed for the last 2 TNT records, which is a shame because he's a fantastic singer, and he does a fine job of capturing the spirit of Harnell's parts live. Is he Tony Harnell? No. But virtually no singer can pull off what Harnell did.

How did you find the 2 TNT albums in the mid to late-90s? Those obviously had Harnell but were quite a style shift.
Tony Mills isn´t Harnell but even Harnell wasn´t Harnell. I was in the "Live in Madrid" DVD adn what a disappointment! Saw TNT in 2004 and 2005 and was great but that day the band seemed totally "out of there", specially Harnell that almost didn´t hit a note :Smug:

I don´t like "Transistor" and "Firefly". Any songs here and there but overall I don´t like both albums.

However, like I said, "My religion" is amazing. TNT at their best in some moments.

"All the way to the sun" (last Harnell album) is awful for me but "The new terrotory" wasn´t better in my opinion. "Atlantis" owns some good songs but far from the glory TNT albums.

About Mills in TNT. Personally I consider that LeTekro composing doesn´t justice with Mills in "The new territory" and "Atlantis". He´s an overwhelming but if you listen only his work with TNT you could easily think that he´s just good.
Just gave the new TNT 2 spins and I'm quite pleased. Sounds like a cross between New Tales, Knights, and Atlantis.

Farewell to Arms and Ship of Fools are fantastic. I can't figure out why Mills' version of Harley Davidson was again included as a bonus track. Ah well.
I grabbed it over the weekend, and will check it out as soon as I have time. I'm hoping it's as good as you say....Used to be such a cool band, I'd like to see them end on a high note.....

I only saw them live once, and that was with Stryper & Loudness back in the late 80's if I remember right.....
Just listening to it, and I quit like it !! Good vocals, good guitar work. If it should be the last TNT album they surely went out in style !!
I grabbed it over the weekend, and will check it out as soon as I have time. I'm hoping it's as good as you say....Used to be such a cool band, I'd like to see them end on a high note.....

I only saw them live once, and that was with Stryper & Loudness back in the late 80's if I remember right.....
i saw that tour too! great show