New To Lunaris!


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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Hi all! I just ordered The Infinite on The End...I've never even heard them at all..but I liked what The End had to say about them. I was actually trying to find Spiral Architect...and this band called Lunaris came up on the screen. Read the comparisons and decided I needed to own some of their music!

Can't wait till I get it!! Has anyone else ever done this? Or am I nutz? HA!!
Gaunerin said:
....well, you already have "insane" written in your nickname ;) j/k
HELLcome to the board!

Very funny

Thanks for the welcome:)
Hey guys, new here.

I did a similar thing a few years ago. I bought Iced Earth, Opeth, and Nevermore albums based only on a few glowing reviews I read online. Come to think of it, I actually bought Lunaris' album by impulse. I saw the album in a used bin for like $7 and I thought "what the hell" and just bought it, and i truly new nothing about them. I love all of these bands now too.