New to Symphony X...


Aug 15, 2004
Hello people, I'm a n00b and I just got into Symphony X. I really think they kick ass so I went and bought all their albums... :cool:
karelrulez said:
well done! as for cd's, you couldn't have spent your money better.
Yeah I know :D - I'm very impressed by Michael Romeo, he's insane o_O But I also listen to bands like Megadeth, Nevermore and Arch Enemy :Spin:
I still need V.... I can't find it goddamn it! Unfortunatly, I just speant my last bit of CD money on Asmegin... at least it wasn't a complete waste.
Thraxz said:
I still need V.... I can't find it goddamn it! Unfortunatly, I just speant my last bit of CD money on Asmegin... at least it wasn't a complete waste.

I can't find V anywhere either. Guess i have to go buy it on the net.
soundgarden said:
I can't find V anywhere either. Guess i have to go buy it on the net.

I bought my copy at a CD store called Hastings. But that's a regional chain, so I don't know if you have it in your area. I haven't seen any of SymX's other CDs (besides The Odyssey and V) out in stores though.
Thraxz said:
I still need V.... I can't find it goddamn it! Unfortunatly, I just speant my last bit of CD money on Asmegin... at least it wasn't a complete waste.

V ~ The New Mythology Suite was the first Symphony X CD I bought and I swear it rearranged my brain cells! I never heard anything like this band. This album slays and you must find it!!!! :worship:
Ayreon Guardian X said:
and awesome indeed on your appreciation of the mighty Megadeth, as well....the 'Deth is my favorite band! Sym X come in a close second...
Word bro... I like 'deth better too :D But above them all is the mighty NEVERMORE :Smokin: