New to the board- Kreator Review

Aug 14, 2002
Hey all, I just found this board and thought I'd drop a recent show review for yas.

Kreator/ Destruction NYC Show Review

From the monitor mix position- I worked this show last night at L’Amours.

Man, this was a KILLER show. Even local band “Exit to Eternity” kicked serious ass. Their drummer couldn’t have weighed more than 75 pounds and was so thin you could practically see through him but he knocked the shit out of those drums!

December was also amazing. The vocalist looks like some cracked-out Drew Carey, funky black glasses and a buzz cut. Super nice, soft spoken and polite. Asked me not to put too much of his vox in the monitors. THERE’S something you don’t hear everyday. Then he gets up there and screams his BALLS off. Phil Anselmo look out! His high shriek is incredible, like an ice pick to the forehead. The band was tight, and again an excellent drummer.

Cephallic Carnage- I was a little turned off by their sloppy street clothes look but from the first note I was sold on them. This band mixes some of the best elements of Death with a kind of punky vibe. THIS drummer was mind bogging. His left hand had a mind of it’s own throwing out blistering 16th note triplets and blast beats so even you could nail a wood plank to them. Great stage energy. Excellent band.


I caught these guys in Milwaukee a few years ago and was really impressed. They didn’t disappoint last night either. Very reminiscent of Raven without the goofy fun that those guys provide- Destruction is brutally serious like many Germans can be. Time warp to the 80’s with leather so vintage it could have probably walked out on-stage by itself. Unfortunately the band had some problems with the Canadian Consulate and they were two hours late to the club. Although Kreator got a sound check, there was no time for Destruction to get one and even though both bands shared the same back-line and drum set, Destruction’s vocalist was very upset that they didn’t get one. He made a point of complaining about it on-stage and threw a hissy fit. Picture this huge blond, muscular, tatooed, leather-clad German metal-head screaming in a very high pitched whine, “You don’t know how ANGRY I am, Jah we got no sound check, I am so PISSED off!!!” and throwing his mic stand on the ground. It’s cool though, I snagged a guitar pick with the Destruction logo on it and gave it to local metal God, Boris head-banging in front row. Excellent set and my favorite band of the night. Raw and powerful, nothing tuned below E. Old School.


I loved the first three songs of the set but quickly became bored, probably because of the long day and the fact that all their songs seem to sound the same. Still, very talented and entertaining band. Great guitar work and excellent shrieky thrash vocals.

Excellent show, don’t miss it if it comes through. Watch out for December, they’re MUTHAfuckas!!!
I have to agree that Kreator never got the deserved energy response because they just came on way too late. You can't start a show in the early evening and have the last band up on stage at 2am. By that time, the energy dissipates and everyone is sobering up.

However, Kreator ruled, Exit to Eternity were mind blowing for someone I'd never heard of before, and Cephallic Carnage had the energy and innovation that got the crowd going (lots of tempo changes too).

December and Destruction I could have lived without - and instead had Kreator come on at midnight and play longer. :D