New to this Forum, LoG Descending Cover with Mesa Mark IV!


Mar 8, 2009
Hey everyone, im new to this forum, i have been directed here from another forum because i was told i should post my mixes here and i could get some good feedback. Ive been having some fun doing covers of Lamb of God with my Mesa Mark IV, my new charvel san dimas (Duncan JB/59) and a good old Sennheiser MD421, the only pedals i used was my mxr carbon copy delay for the lead parts, the rest is just the amp pure and simple as i don't see or feel the need to add anything else this thing just sounds amazing! Just so you know i wasn't going for a 100% reproduction of their sound, in fact this one sounds allot different. I used both Pro Tools 7 to track and Audition 3 to edit and run the whole thing trough a multi band compressor and do the dynamic EQ FX in the intro.. i really hate how soundclick compresses files down to 128 bit.. it seriously sounds better in wave or 320k allot clearer and more definition and detailed, but i guess its cool since its free. I played all guitars of course and the rest is LoG Producer Edition tracks, let me know what you think!

This is my latest one, "Descending".

Instrumental version:

Full band version:

Check out my other ones, "Redneck" and "Walk with me in Hell" if you like here:
Actually the LOG production files are pretty dry and sound different than the album itself. Ive run EQs and compressors among other things in the tracks to make em sound like they do now.

They're probably the pre-mixed/mastered "dry" tracks as i tried mixing them together (including original guitars) to see if it sounded like the album and it was day and night difference.. They are also 192k MP3s and not wave files.. some stuff are missing too, like the dynamic EQ in the intro of Descending, that has to be done yourself.. it is fun stuff to mess with and imo its cool they did it this way with dry tracks that way you can EQ/mix/master it however you wish. One of the coolest things any band has ever done for their public imo.

Thanks for the cool comments btw!