New Toxik drummer is Jason Bitner of Shadows Fall


Jan 17, 2003
London, Canada
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Recharged cult classic prog-thrashers TOXIK have announced the addition of drummer Jason Bittner from SHADOWS FALL to the band’s ranks. Bittner fills the void of original drummer Tad Leger due to his current musical commitments which prohibit him from being able to participate in the reunion.

Guitarist and founding member Josh Christian comments on Bittners addition: “I couldn’t have hoped for a better situation. Jason is probably the best case scenario in every respect. Not only is he a sick drummer but, he’s a thinker and a creative force.”

Bittner also comments on his addition to the Toxik ranks: "I initially met Tad at a DEATH ANGEL show back in 1990 shortly after seeing Toxik for the first time. I recognized him, struck up a conversation and the next thing you know I was at his place taking lessons from him. Over the years we became very good friends trading shows with our local bands at the time, etc, and we've stayed close while I traveled the world building my career with Shadows Fall. For me this is a big deal because I get to play in one of my favorite bands from my youth, and I get a chance to help preserve my friend's legacy"

In addition to acquiring a drummer Toxik, have recently entered the pre-production phase on the vocals to their currently untitled follow up to 1989’s Think This, which is estimated for a late fall 2013 release. Further details will become available in the forthcoming months.

Looking forward to a new Toxik album:headbang:
Should be interesting, though no one can take Tad's place. Bittner is a harder hitting drummer, yet less skilled. I hope it's not due to Toxik's 'new' music being any less technical. A perfect situation would be for them to make an album that sound like it came out right after "Think This". In my heart of hearts, I know this will not be the case, but I can dream.

Last I heard, they were using Charles Sabin as recording vocalist? Anyone have news on that?
No, I think it is Mike Sanders though I heard they may consider Charles for a few tracks.

I'm fairly sure if they play shows that it will be with Mike.
No, I think it is Mike Sanders though I heard they may consider Charles for a few tracks.

I'm fairly sure if they play shows that it will be with Mike.

Dang, Charles Sabin was the better vocalist. Was hoping he would be doing it. He had a much better melodic sense and could hit the low notes as well as the highs. I don't know if I can handle Mike Sanders 'middle c to high c' vocal range for a whole album. Well, I definitely CAN handle it but I'd rather not.
I think Sanders wrote most of the vocal melodies for Think This before he left.

Um, no. He wrote early rough draft melodies that sucked so bad Charlie Sabin had to redo them. I know this because I have early 'live' demos of "Think This" material w/Mike Sanders singing on them. The melodies are terrible, in most songs, especially "Spontaneous"...

Well, this one is the exact same melody. Which ones did Sabin change?
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Well, this one is the exact same melody. Which ones did Sabin change?

Without getting too technical about it, the vocal melodies that were not changed much were the ones guitarist Josh Christian had written. All of the songs that Mike wrote the melodies for were changed for two reasons; one being that the band, (post Mike Sanders) were afraid he'd come back with a law suit for using them after they let him go. The other reason is that the band were much happier with what Charles Sabin had done with them. The song you posted are melodies Josh Christian wrote and gave to Mike Sanders to sing, so they stayed with the band after he was fired for..."Having no range and for not being able to deliver any suitable melodies for the new songs" [J.Christian]