new track, mix - lend me your ears, feedback appreciated!


Deine Mudda!
Aug 12, 2008
NRW, Germany
long time no post, been busy drinking every 2nd day since january. :kickass:

so here we go..

guitar is fender jim root telecaster, emg 81 into saffire pro 40, tse x30 and revalver, asem IR
drums are s2.0 with various samples on kick, snare and toms

it'll get vocals next week, what do you guys think of this mix so far?
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Not a fan of the snare. There's also something about the guitars I don't like. It's something about the mids, the kick can be just a little too loud in some parts but it's very well done man.
Not a fan of the snare. There's also something about the guitars I don't like. It's something about the mids, the kick can be just a little too loud in some parts but it's very well done man.

yea, i'm not totally satisfied with the guitars either, they need some more eq'ing i guess. fiddeling around with ampsims is a pain in the ass sometimes..
will go through some other snare samples soon, see if i find something better and will look into the kick loudness thing.. thanks for the fast reply!

Sounds massive man!
really liked it!

glad to hear, thanks man
Maybe a bit of a high mid boost and low mid dip would help? Pretty sweet thus far, though! What's that cool little synth thingy in the background?
Maybe a bit of a high mid boost and low mid dip would help? Pretty sweet thus far, though! What's that cool little synth thingy in the background?

do you mean that synth which comes in around 0:25? thats a choir sound i recorded with my old kawai k5000w and then processed in reaper.
updated the mix in the OP, changed the snare sample.. can't judge any volume and eq settings right now though, because i switched over to headphones (dt 770 pro) and i dont like doing anything mix-related on them.

oh well, tomorrow's another day..

new mix, nearly final, gonna finalize when vox are done..

eq'd the guitars and changed a few other things.

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do mix feedback?