New tune (and test) Deadstar


Sep 12, 2006
Hey guys,

I finished (for the most part) a song called "Deadstar", it's my first attempt with 7107's, and with Addicitve Drums.

It's pretty complete, minus some transistion parts, and fixing some drums and guitars. But I think it's done. I love heavy songs that go into cool atmospheric parts, for no reason. And i think this song sums up my writing style perfectly.

Might be alittle hot, but I love it.
Any suggestions welcome!
Not a fan of the guitar tone thats a matter of taste, but you did a good job with the drums. Best programmed drums I heard in a while. And kudos for not choosing one of those uber-high cracky snares that are so common these days , I hate those.
Cool song :wave:
Thank you sir.
I guess the guitars are all a matter of taste, I'm just trying to find something that fits what I like hearing, I thought it fit fine. But thank you for the kind words!