New Tune, "Get Ready". Metal Machine

That is an exceedingly cool guitar tone.
It does have kind of a clanky quality to it, but if you were going for that, good job.
The bass, I'm not quite sold on. I think you'd be better off going with a clanky bass tone for this style.
The drums sound very professional, but perhaps you'd be better off with a punchier kick drum? It sounds very clicky at this point.
Those vocals are pro as well, I like them.

Overall this REALLY reminds me of AC/DC.
really cool!!can you post your guitar chain settings? has that 80's vibe really diggin it!!cool song btw!
@thefalloftheheretic - thanks for listening. i guess i need to understand a little better what you mean by 'clanky'. it's definitely an 'old school' tone - or at least that's what i was going for. maybe the EQ is adding that quality. as for bass, i tried literally dozens of different impulses and ended up with the standard Ampeg set floating around the internet. bass is always a bitch... as for drums, man - i'm really loving Metal Machine. i've had Metal Foundry for a year or so - and it's really nice - but the snares and kicks in Metal Machine just "sit" better in the mix with little or no work. perhaps chalk it up to our ever beloved metal master Andy. one thing i've noticed in Metal Machine that people haven't talked about on this forum is the Hats. i love the Zildjian Z custom! i find Metal Foundry's hats to be too "tingy"..

@zakky - thanks! here's the chain. if you want more detail, i uploaded a JPG to my website. link below.

TSE808 -> Poulin Hybrit -> Voxengo Boogex -> ReaFir -> ReaXcomp