New Twisted Into Form mp3


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
We just made available for download mp3s of tunes from three of our upcoming releases:

White Willow "Dusk City" taken from Signal To Noise
SpiRitual "Nahash" taken from Pulse
Twisted Into Form "Instinct Solitaire" taken from Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer

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that was awesome. the new twisted is amazing, thanks! listening to it for the third time now:worship:
i was seriously just thinking about this yesterday... whens a new track going to be up... then WHAM. get the email from one of the band members. synchronicity.

the new song is awesome.
the chorus has a really nice hook to it. love the vox on it.
the bug/typewriter riff on "torrents" (:31-:48) still makes me: :Puke: