New UNDER EDEN Album Finished

Nearly six years since our first full-length, my band Under Eden finally finished our second album, The Science of Self-Defeat. I guess that makes us less of a "new" band than a virtually unknown and/or forgotten band.

It's a concept album that musically draws from all sorts of thrash, death and black metal styles - Zyklon, Dissection, Stigmata-era Arch Enemy and Low-era Testament would be accurate descriptions - but the lyrics are more along the lines of Hypocrisy. Our first album was somewhat conceptual almost by accident, but this one was intentionally written that way.

We've signed with a Greek label (Sleaszy Rider Records, seriously) for the physical CD release that should occur in June, but are doing the digital distribution through CD Baby. It will be available from iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody and others as they get it processed, but for the moment, it can be downloaded straight from CD Baby here:

This is the first "single" for the album, "Exiled from Existence":

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