New Underoath - Awesome!


all gods fail...
Apr 14, 2007
Reading, UK
Heard the new album? I think the mix and production is amazing especially the drums, apparently mainly Truth drums ..although i am unsure how much replacement was included...?
I was listening to it in the car the other day and noticed the drums sounding really really good
I'll check it out again after work today. I also thought that the majority of the album was like the last 4 or 5 songs on define the great line.....
yeah...there is alot of 'sound-scaping' going on but the gtr tone is also blinding. I am soooo blown away by this!
Yep... the new album kicks ass! And the Truth drums done some good work there...also the drummer did his work pretty good! But i think that the snare and kick were replaced about 50% natural 50% sample. (i'm not sure one the procentage but i think u got my point! :) )
On the strength of your arguement, I went out and bought the special edition version yesterday and didn't really like it. The production, to my ears and through my stereo at least, isn't anywhere near incredible. From a musical aspect, I couldn't sit and listen to a whole album. Seventeen quid and 3 tracks later I had Mercenary on. Now their new album... That's some nice production.
I really like the new underoath cd, but it sounds just like their last cd in my opinion. way to much like the last cd in fact. i would love to have some drum samples that sound like their cds though, anyone have any?
Meisterjäger;7599361 said:
Seventeen quid and 3 tracks later I had Mercenary on. Now their new album... That's some nice production.
...I like it that way. Probably if i had never heard them before i would react the same but i like music that you have to work at. Its like olives or blue cheese..hate the taste first time but evenually the pay back is huge!

... & well each to their own! I don't hear any pumping (except perhaps where intentional) and i think the whole thing has some great dynamics going on also. The snare is so fat and smacky and yet doesnt eat the gtrs. No dodgy mastering job either...ala the blackening, misery signals, rush, metallica..etc...etc
I saw UO years ago at the garage in i wish they would come to stockholm!!