New updated tour dates - Sadus


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
Sadus – Darkane – Gory Blister
Tour itinerary April 2006

14-4 fri NL Baroeg, Rotterdam
15-4 sat D Turock, Essen
16-4 sun NL Noordschok, Groningen (festival)
18-4 tue F Ubu, Rennes
19-4 wed F Locomotive, Paris
21-4 fri D Tor 3, Osnabruck
22-4 sat CH Rocking Chair, Vevey
23-4 sun IT La Gabbia, Bassano Del Grappa
24-4 mon IT Sonar Club, Colle de Val D’Elsa
25-4 tue IT Circolo Degli Artisti, Rome
26-4 wed A Monastery, Vienna
27-4 thu CZ Black Pes, Prague
28-4 fri D Exhaus, Trier
29-4 sat B Biebob, Vosselaar, evening
29-4 sat NL Kings Of Metal, Arnhem (festival) afternoon
30-4 sun NL 013, Tilburg

Please help us spread the word. If we build it; they will come.
Just let the Megadeth forum know. Massimo, that contest might be filling up faster now. :kickass:

Hope all of you can make it over to the East US coast.
Damn, and I really wanted to enter the contest too :(

My copy of OFB won't be here for another week, because I just mailed the money order yesterday. :\
...BUT what about the supposed Concord, CA show? I can't steal a car then drive it 580 miles to not see a show. Concord show?...Anyone?...or was that just fantasy?
NicholasDWolfwood said:
Damn, and I really wanted to enter the contest too :(

My copy of OFB won't be here for another week, because I just mailed the money order yesterday. :\

Don't worry, man, there's still a chance to get in.
I'm hoping for an east coast trek too. Hopefully somewhere in Jersey or Philly, since my dad won't go to NY because he doesn't know the area (unfortunately)
HippieOfDoom said:
We'll be playing Concord and/or SF in May after we get back from euroland.

Whew, 'cause you know how much it would suck if I made it to the Bay Area and all I'm left with is "random Thin Lizzy cover band" in Berkley or some really jokey shit at the Pound. Which is odd because they have had good shows there...when I'm not there. Thanks for info. :kickass:
well, it sucks bigtime that everybody that i know, who is into metal, doesn't now Sadus enough to drive to the gig in Belgium...
it's to fuckin far, and train and bus is not an option...
i do regret it that i don't have a driver licence yet ( i'm to lazy for that)
so now, i play the new Sadus albums as much as I can, to convince my friends to go... but I don't see that happening...
anyway, are there any chances to see you guys on stage on Festivals this summer?? Wacken Open Air, or Graspop Metal Meeting for example...
KristJaeger said:
well, it sucks bigtime that everybody that i know, who is into metal, doesn't now Sadus enough to drive to the gig in Belgium...
it's to fuckin far, and train and bus is not an option...
i do regret it that i don't have a driver licence yet ( i'm to lazy for that)
so now, i play the new Sadus albums as much as I can, to convince my friends to go... but I don't see that happening...
anyway, are there any chances to see you guys on stage on Festivals this summer?? Wacken Open Air, or Graspop Metal Meeting for example...
Man try this board, there's a guy from Belgium (donno where) who i'm sure worships Sadus... maybe u can arrange smthg ;)
->HARD&HEAVY COMMONWEALTH<- his nickname is metalhead... join the board :rock:
thanks! i handed out the Out For Blood album to the members of my band, who seems very interested to go... so fingers crossed!!
already bought my plane tickets - flying from Poland to see the first Italy show:rock: Damn it is a long way but after hearing the new tunes I KNOW it will be worth it! :rock:

Max see you there!!!:kickass:

Polish Legions will be represented :rock:
fucking crap! the same day as the Sadus gig there is a festiva called pestpop, with Doro, Jon Oliva's Pain, Sonata Arctica... this line-up ain't nothing for me, but it seems that my last chance to get my ass to the Sadus gig is going to that gig...
you better get your asses to Graspop Metal Meeting or Wacken Open Air!!!
soulflypl said:
already bought my plane tickets - flying from Poland to see the first Italy show:rock: Damn it is a long way but after hearing the new tunes I KNOW it will be worth it! :rock:

Max see you there!!!:kickass:

Polish Legions will be represented :rock:
Cool man! See ya there then!:rock:

Ouch, sorry to hear that. Your "chance to go to Sadus gig" has crap tastes :Smug: