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New Metal Member
Apr 18, 2006

This is my first time here, and my primary reason for joining this forum is that I need money and therefor sell some items (for an example my test pressing of the Darkthrone's "A Blaze in the Northern Sky", on vinyl).

Now I find that this forum actually is pretty informative as well, so I might as well stick around for a while :)

Well, please feel free to ask me any questions on the items I sell, bid if you find anything interesting.
(you may find my list of items for sale in the music discussion section, if I remember correct)

I'm from Norway.
Thanks everyone!

Black Core: Belgium is not so far away so a visit to Norway should be possible:) . But, beware, Norway is stupidly expensive, hehe. But it's a nice country, I think.
I haven't been to Belgium myself. Visited Holland a few years ago, so I've been close, but that's not good enough, I know. Will have to try to get there some other time I guess. If you were to get foreigners to your country, what would you advertise? Why should I go to Belgium instead of, for an example, Spain or Scotland?
Norway seems like an interesting place...expensive yes. About a month and a half ago Oslo was declared the most expensive city in the world. You all passed up Tokyo!! I wanna try lutefisk...and no I am not crazy. :lol: I made some damn tasty kumpe once. Mmm bacony...
LordAmon said:
Black Core: Belgium is not so far away so a visit to Norway should be possible:) . But, beware, Norway is stupidly expensive, hehe. But it's a nice country, I think.
I haven't been to Belgium myself. Visited Holland a few years ago, so I've been close, but that's not good enough, I know. Will have to try to get there some other time I guess. If you were to get foreigners to your country, what would you advertise? Why should I go to Belgium instead of, for an example, Spain or Scotland?
Good question. Well first of all: I live here and for the chocolate, beer and the fries.
metal_monkey said:
Norway seems like an interesting place...expensive yes. About a month and a half ago it was declared the most expensive city in the world. You all passed up Tokyo!! I wanna try lutefisk...and no I am not crazy. :lol: I made some damn tasty kumpe once. Mmm bacony...

What? Has my beloved country been degraded to a city? hehe.
I've never tasted lutefisk myself. It reeks of putrefaction (I think Carcass smelt lutefisk before they figured out that title, hehe).
I've actually never tasted kumpe either (or kumle, or raspeballer, as someone also tend to call it). You're welcome to make some and send me in the mail, hehe.
Black Core said:
Good question. Well first of all: I live here and for the chocolate, beer and the fries.

We've got chocolate (quite obvious) here to, but not many extraordinary chocolates. It's the usual grocery store chocolate. Instead of things which smell good it seems like Norway found out they wanted to make things which smell really bad (like lutefisk, rakefisk, pultost, fårikål [boiled sheep and cabbage] and more). It's horrible, hehe.
Beer I like though :loco:
LordAmon said:
What? Has my beloved country been degraded to a city? hehe.
I've never tasted lutefisk myself. It reeks of putrefaction (I think Carcass smelt lutefisk before they figured out that title, hehe).
I've actually never tasted kumpe either (or kumle, or raspeballer, as someone also tend to call it). You're welcome to make some and send me in the mail, hehe.

Ooops! Fixed that post! (Go look :D )
:lol: Well I'm brave I'll try any food once. I do like lefse and you all's rice pudding. Oh also kransekake...had one for my daughter's birthday, that was tasty!! Mail you food eh? I remember looking up prices to send a package once...damn is that expensive. But I do make some kickass food! :)
Metal_monkey: Some food better stay untouched, hehe. Kransekake is good, but I like bananacake and peanutcake more. It's delicious, at least.
Ahhh, me want cake now. Please bake and send me some? hehe. To send mail from Norway is just too expensive. I'ts insane.

Thoth-Amon: Seems like you've got to get back to your untrue cave in the untrue forests of untrue black, witching darkness, while I stay here in the blasphemous, true mountains of might and truely evilness. Yup!
LordAmon said:
Metal_monkey: Some food better stay untouched, hehe. Kransekake is good, but I like bananacake and peanutcake more. It's delicious, at least.
Ahhh, me want cake now. Please bake and send me some? hehe. To send mail from Norway is just too expensive. I'ts insane.

Thoth-Amon: Seems like you've got to get back to your untrue cave in the untrue forests of untrue black, witching darkness, while I stay here in the blasphemous, true mountains of might and truely evilness. Yup!

Thoth-Amon is supreme master of the black arts! The leader of the infamous Black Ring! There is none more tr00!!
