New Variety Of Sound plugin- preFIX

Hmm... It talks about audio aligning, but is it just phase aligning things, or could you use it in a sort of VocAlign way?
I know about it since few days ago. I read all I could about it but can't figure what it does and when and how to use it. If anyone knows it, please drop a lines. Thx! Bootsy rules !
Love this thing, really nice sounding filters, gate with side-chain EQ, the scope is pretty useful to just have it there (also has mono button), phase correction also useful to have there if needed, and last but not least, independent control of L & R channel volume.

If it had a VU/PPM meter like PSP's VintageMeter integrated this thing would be the coolest freebie ever.
Wow im really getting into this !
It wraps in the FXpansion VST Wrapper into Protools 9 without any problems,
Phase meter is a little small for my liking so i still use the signal tools one in PT but its fantastic for a freebie !!!