New video from a band I worked with (NOT Metal)

fucking awesome dude
I realy loved this band , all of their songs

and ofc the mix for the genre is realy awesome
good job man :)

btw thanks for the tracks for "The road" .. was realy great..
can share some info on the reverbs you used?
more on the vox , realy making some glue..

and what amp the guitar preamp is ? jcm800?
To be honest, I can't really remember? I believe I used TC M30 with conjuction with M7 impulses, but the conjunction of delays and their automation is what gives most of the "aura" and glue to the vox.

Guitars were through a 65 amp and vox ac30
Thanks a lot Jeff! Coming from you that means a lot, really!

It's true, there's nothing quite like these amps combined with teles/stratos. The 65 amp is what impressed me the most, it sounds ridiculous even on any room!