New Video - Scrutinized

sceptic84 said:
right click on word "Download" and Save target as...

it doesnt say that on my screen

I get this little box where i can scroll their current vids and i can only click on the name of the song, then it opens in WMP
So you don't know how to download the videos from YouTube... Ok I'll tell you how to do it...

Go To:

Copy the adress of the video and paste it in the YouTube square, download it...

For Google and YouTube you have to rename the files as "*****.flv"

example: "Hypocrisy - Scrutinized" to "Hypocrisy - Scrutinized.flv"

and for iFilm rename as "*****.mov"

Then just change the format with a "Flv encoder"... Here you have the link to download the program:

And That's all... it's not so difficult, have fun... :)
I actually thought the video was bad... I just couldn't understand it and everything was really blurry. Song still kicks ass though (but I think it's mediocre compared to the rest of the album)