New Warmen album?


Keepin' it bonzer
Dec 29, 2005
My brother got an issue of Korg magazine today, I was going through it when I was a small column about Janne and his keyboards, and right at the end it says that he's gonna be working on a new Warmen album after the U.S tour...which has ended now.

Here's a scan:


I know Mr Wirman lurks here so I hope he can confirm this.
i have to say, i enjoy Warmen WAY more than i do with COB nowadays(any album of cob, has nothing to do with your silly LOLAYDY/BLOODDRUNK bullshit folks), so i'm getting excited now :D

If he gets it out early 09, it'll surely be a great start for that year :kickass:

Warmen FTW
Thank you for posting the article, Chamet! And I, too, think it would be really nice if Janne could confirm it here with more details:)

I was really lucky to meet Janne after their Columbus show. He was such a lovely and pleasant guy he took time to greet us for pictures, autographs and chatting. And he did tell me the 4th Warmen album would be out in early 2009 (just like on the article), which was a great news for me because I had been waiting for it for years! He also told me "two surprise singers" would be on it. I wanted to ask him who they were, but I didn't 'cause I didn't want to ruin the "surprise". So I've been wondering about it everyday since then! I simply can't wait 'til the album is out. Who do you guys think the surprise singers could be? Does anyone have a good guess?

I feel the same way! Although I do love both bands and the key solos on CoB songs are great, they are often way too short for me. They fly by too quickly and I just don't get enough of them. Nice thing about Warmen is that many tunes are almost all key-solos. I never get tired of listening to them.
Great news definitely waiting for that album! I have heard people talking about this already a while but I haven't had any source to give so...I don't have any clue about the singers but I have understood that Alexi will be plying in some song (which wouldn't really be surprise).
i have to say, i enjoy Warmen WAY more than i do with COB nowadays(any album of cob, has nothing to do with your silly LOLAYDY/BLOODDRUNK bullshit folks), so i'm getting excited now :D

If he gets it out early 09, it'll surely be a great start for that year :kickass:

Warmen FTW

Agreed, one of my favorite bands!
That's good news. Warmen always makes cool albums. About singers I supose that we can expect Kotipelto again for some songs, and seems like Alexi will be part of the album, but I hope that this time he does something guitar related besides or instead of singing. I'd like to see Alexi soloing over a Warmen song. But maybe it'd be too Children Of Bodom that way, dunno.

I hope he writes a song about Shannon... half of it can say FUCK YOU and the other half can be an apology to Roope :p

^Hmm, that doesn't sound that strange, could be could be. I'd like it :)

My guess for one of the surprise singers: Kimberly Goss

May be a good thing to hear her again, but seeing that she seems to be pretty busy nowadays outside the music scene and IIRC having had a baby or waiting for one maybe she won't take part this time. I still wish she does, because I think that the only way we can get the 4th Sinergy some day is if Kim gets hooked again to the music industry, because I supose that she'd like to finish what she started if she's to go back on track.

Me wants moar Sinergy!!!! :lol:

I have not heard much from them, I have only Somebody's Watching me single with that song and Faithful Eyes. Like it though.

I highly recommend you to get their stuff. It's :kickass: music IMO.