New WARREL DANE solo tune.

Purveyor Of Evil

Heavy Metal, INC.
Mar 17, 2003
Hughestown, PA.
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It's on and it's called "Messenger". It's downtuned, dark, and fucking incredible! Jeff Loomis plays the solo on it, so naturally it has a NEVERMORE vibe to it. Make no mistake, this song rips! I'm sure the haters will rag it, but those of us who love NEVERMORE and WARREL DANE should have no problem diggin' it. Can't wait for the album "Praises to the War Machine" on May 13th in the States!
I've been a Warrel worshipper since 1988 when I first heard the Battle Angels CRYYYYYYYYYYY!!! :kickass:

Can't wait to get my grubby Nevermore/Sanctuary fanboy paws on this solo effort. :heh: