New Wave "trad" metal part 2.....


Jan 5, 2006
yo moms house
Check out this great new band.....


On horses of steel ARMOR COLUMN advances onto the scene in defense of true metal. The forces were mustered in late 2007 when SKINLESS guitarist Noah Carpenter joined with HELD UNDER's drummer Johnny G, and vocalist Jeff Andrews. The formation is completed with Ray Russell on guitar, and bassist Tom Barber. Hailing from the Albany, New York region, ARMOR COLUMN's mission is to attack local stages with their brand of POWERTHRASH and continue the imperialistic onslaught to lands beyond. In April 2009 ARMOR COLUMN descended upon Max Trax Studios in Albany, NY to record their first EP "Armor Up Your Ass." The EP will initially appear on a limited split cd entitled "SKINSPLIT," which features 3 bands with members of SKINLESS. (Armor Column, Detriment, Disciples Of Berkowitz). Look for "SKINSPLIT" in summer 2009 on MWA Records. Help us to keep the battle raging and add an ARMOR COLUMN song and banner to your profile. See you on the battlefield!!! ADVANCE, ATTACK, ENCIRCLE, DESTROY!!!
For some reason, sound samples aren't working. I don't want to knock the band on face value too much, but I am wary of all their Myspace friends and all the big sponsorships they have. One of my favorite things about all the awesome trad bands out there is the fact that they're soooo fucking underground. But I'll judge when I actually hear the tunes.
Samples worked for me. I thought the traditional metal sound though was more along the lines of Priest, Maiden and Saxon. This is band is pure thrash revival. They're okay, it's just hard for me because there are just WAY too many thrash bands out there now to tell the difference.
For some reason, sound samples aren't working. I don't want to knock the band on face value too much, but I am wary of all their Myspace friends and all the big sponsorships they have. One of my favorite things about all the awesome trad bands out there is the fact that they're soooo fucking underground. But I'll judge when I actually hear the tunes.

I totally agree with you, the sponsors and such do seem to take something away. I'm not into the lame idea of having to keep everything so underground for street cred sake but there certainly is a vibe taken away when it does passed that DIY or home-ground level.
But hey we will be seeing thgis more and more; the term loosy used, more Hot Topic bands wearing Saxon shirts and so on. Thanks Earache and Metal Hammer for help getting the ball rolling.:rolleyes:
Well, I'd be all about ppl appreciating Saxon and others more in the "scene." One of the reasons I hate Dragonforce fans so much is that a lot of their core audience thinks that Dragonforce is somehow doing something fresh and new--disregarding or being oblivious some influences which I am sure the guys in DF acknowledge (ie Helloween, Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, etc).
Well, I'd be all about ppl appreciating Saxon and others more in the "scene." One of the reasons I hate Dragonforce fans so much is that a lot of their core audience thinks that Dragonforce is somehow doing something fresh and new--disregarding or being oblivious some influences which I am sure the guys in DF acknowledge (ie Helloween, Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, etc).

well Dragonforce audience from what I have noticed is at least 10 years younger than me so I can see how they don't know Gammaray or Helloween. That is not the audience's fault, fault is if they do not look into more. Usually they won't because Dragonforce attracts a mainstream youth audience.
It can easily be compared to Metallica. Back in the 80s of course Metallica was somewhat of a gateway drug for some but most would end up saying years later "I use to listen to Metallica". Or you will find that Metallica would be the only point of referance for these people when talking metal. Pantera and White Zombie to a lesser degree would be that of the 90s.
Still Metallica in the 80s (certainly late 80s) was almost a safe point of most folks and they did not stay much deeper. Well the same thing is going on with Dragonforce.
And they are also capturing an audience that normally would not buy music music at all. No they are not a group for the most part to look for other stuff like that.
Yeah, I see your point about Metallica. There are so many "metalheads" who think that metal ends with Metallica. This provoked them to look into the genre about as far as Testament and Slayer maybe, but that's about it. These people have no concept of awesome thrash bands like Sodom, Kreator, or Dark Angel.
Over the years, I have found that most people aren't interested in "digging" for new music. Here on the board, we're very passionate about metal and in some cases, other types of music. Basically, it's a hobby to me to listen, dig, and find new bands to listen to. For the most part, 99.9% of the population isn't like most of us. They'll just listen to whatever main stream outlets throw at them. At least, that's how I see it.

Yeah, I see your point about Metallica. There are so many "metalheads" who think that metal ends with Metallica. This provoked them to look into the genre about as far as Testament and Slayer maybe, but that's about it. These people have no concept of awesome thrash bands like Sodom, Kreator, or Dark Angel.

I remember when my friend got into Metallica that was it for them, maybe Megadeth. They would soon get into N.W.A. Myself, well Possessed was my first thrash band so it led me down a whole different path. And I fell into Queensryche and Helloween at the same time. My buds then could not dig Possessed nor did they care for all the punk stuff I listened to at the time. Punk rock and skating kind of went hand and hand in those days.
Punk rock and thrash metal were so much more related in those days too. Now they seem like distant cousins.

One thing you don't see much today in the thrash revival is the cross-over area; D.R.I., Excel, Zeotrope and stuff like that. It seems the thrash revival startewd in the middle of the thrash movement of the 80's and that seem to have led to this N.O.B.H.M. sounding stuff.
I'm not complaining though still with the newer thrash bands I feel that I have lived it once already. And I will pop in a Cloven Hoof album before Cauldron. Though these days it more Toto than anything. Ha-ha.
Punk rock and thrash metal were so much more related in those days too. Now they seem like distant cousins.

It was more than just related, it was incestual!!!! :)

I actually got out of metal and into punk and hardcore as a result of the DIY appeal of the crossover scene. This was around 1988, as I was exposed to DRI, COC, Ludichrist, etc.
Now the scenes are distant. I mean there is certainly still good hardcore/crust/grind coming out, but punk as a genre is mixed in with a miasma of horrible metalcore, screamo, pop-punk, and ska stuff that I just do not like. I am also very particular about what kind of hardcore I like. I can't describe the sound I go for, but I can usually know if I don't like a h/c band after only a few songs.
My girlfriend got me a record player for Xmas so I have recently listened to a lot of my old 7', I have certainly become narrow in what I listen to and go see. All of this stuff was picked up when I went out to punk clubs. Nowadays it seems to be all metal. After a while one metal band is the same as the next. Don't get me wrong I love my metal and would dare say I know it pretty well but somewhere something changed for me.
I saw a lot of very creative punk bands. I would say I believe it is a more inventive and artistic scene than metal by far. But punk has always been that way just look at the 70's N.Y. scene.
So to bring it over to a more "proggy" relation check Grim Skunk from Canada or these guys, it's like Zappa created them.
Oh and to get back to the traditional metal thing; saw Widow tonight and heard some new material, can you say Cloven Hoof? It really kicked ass. Seems the first albums was really good in all it's Angel Witchiness then the next two seemed to stray a bit. Well looks like it may be coming back,