New Website (rubs hands)


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Nick our webmaster and guitarist is currently re designing the new look Intense website which will adopt some of our new artwork for the new album and lots of new features.... more news when we have it.... :D
Chaosdeathhelldoomboy said:
who drew the the hawk and the robot head? what do they mean and why? who is the spear wielding warrior? Pictures are wicked man are they gonna be available on a shirt,

Alex J P Fournier (a french dude) did the artwork and t-shirts are available ...long sleeve or short mate... i'll do you a deal :)
sean-intense said:
Aha .. penny drops.... hmm what shit jobs can i think up for Alex to do ...:lol: :lol: :p Careful now.... :Smug::)

In all honesty i think this website is wicked, totally no dis-repect intended man is an awesome achievement, were all part of the metal team, genuinly liked the tunes man. Alex? jobs? is he a roadie?