new year

oh yeah....

glad you celebrate it too...going to chinatown, we ha dit yesterday

alll the joyess times ahead for everyone..on te obard....
I always preferred the Chinese New Year anyhow. Seems like after all that holiday spackle near christmas, I need the extra six weeks to recover.

Luck and wisdom to you. Last year was the year of the snake and I think we're all still recovering. May this year be better.
Originally posted by Jimbo
Luck and wisdom to you. Last year was the year of the snake and I think we're all still recovering. May this year be better.
The year of the horse is said to be related with political and economical aaah... "difficulties" for the whole world.
We'll see!
Didn't know you were a dragon too!
Dragon-ladies rule!!!! ;)

Anyway, all the best for this year..i was born in the hour of the horse, i hope that brings any good..hehe

xxx Iris xxx
Yes, woodrat is possible.
I am a fire dragon myself!!

Rat people are born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. They are expressive and can be talkative sometimes. They like to go to parties and spend quite sometimes chatting with their friends. Although the Rat can be quiet sometime, it is rare to catch a Rat sitting quietly.
Rat people usually have more acquaintances than real friends and they revere and cherish those close to them. Once you become their real friends, they will treat you as their family. Rats are self-contained and keep problems to themselves. And even though they can be talkative sometimes, they never confide in anyone.

Sometimes mean, narrow-minded and suburban in outlook, Rat people are nevertheless honest. They can always make a success of their lives as long as they manage to master their perpetual discontent and their insistence on living for the present moment.


The Rat is quick-witted. Most rats get more accomplished in 24 hours than the rest of us do in as many days. They are confident and usually have good instinct. Stubborn as they are, they prefer to live by their own rules rather others. It won't be an easy task to work with Rat people, why? Simple, because they are also 100% perfectionists.

They are very organized and talented, perhaps that is why the Rat makes a good businessman or politician. Unfortunately, as soon as the Rat earns money, he spends it. Maybe that explains why the Rat is so careful when he lends money to others. If you ever borrow money from the Rat, don't be surprised by the high-interests.

The Rat is not romantic, but he is sensual and loving. Rat people could be hard to see through at first glance, because they are also very protective, but even though they are not easy but they are worth it - ask anyone who has a Rat for a lover, parent, child or friend. They are very loyal and devoting to their families.
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
oha, very interesting ;)

so, what about firedragons then?

Well, dragons in general:

As the noble animal symbol that represents the Chinese emperors, Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. And because of this, every Chinese parent is hoping to have a Dragon child. Dragon people get things started and keep them moving. They are feisty and gifted with power and luck. Most people look up to the Dragon.
Dragons are born monarchs. As far as they can see, their power is indisputable. Dragons are idealists, perfectionists, they are born thinking they are perfect and they are inflexible. Dragons are also aggressive and determined, going after what they want is second nature to them. And due to their hunger for power, Dragons are not well suited to growing old. The prospect of losing power, the helpless feeling of youthful strength ebbing away is unbearable to them.

Irritable and stubborn, the Dragon is a real big mouth and his words often outrun his thoughts. Nevertheless, his opinions are worth listening to and his advice is always good. People do, in fact, listen to him and his influence is considerable. The Dragon is over-proud. He is enthusiastic to the point of impetuosity, and he loses his temper easily.


Dragons are dauntless, dynamic and delightful. When a Dragon enters a gathering, the room starts to simmer. The Dragon carries a self-assurance so impressive, and inflated ego so visible and a mouth so loud that it is useless to try to tell him anything.
Dragons are tyrannical. They hate orders except when they are giving them. Unlike the Tiger, who imposes his will seriously and firmly, the Ox, whose authority is implied in his very stern demeanor, or the Rat, who thrusts his dominion over others, the Dragon knows innately how to exert authority yet be gentle with his slaves. Dragons are terrible snobs. Although money is not always the object, they are slavishly impressed by wealth, prestige, rank and splendor.

The Dragon is gifted, intelligent, tenacious, willing and generous. He can do anything. No matter whether the Dragon chooses an artistic career, medical or political one, he is going to shine in it. He will be a success wherever he goes.
The Dragon is often loved. He is never disappointed in love. In fact, he is frequently the cause of some drama of despair. The women of this sign are surrounded by admirers and often demanded in marriage.
Originally posted by thewendy
I am Chinese
OK, talk a bit about yourself.
How did you end up in Holland? And why are you celebrating the asian New Year since you live in Europe?

(Sorry, it is 04:19 AM, I have to carry on studying and I am bored... and tired :zzz: )
Originally posted by thewendy
I am Chinese

great. then please tell me something comforting about the tigers, because I get very frustrated when I read some things... I get scared of myself...:s
Originally posted by Tee

great. then please tell me something comforting about the tigers, because I get very frustrated when I read some things... I get scared of myself...:s
There you go.... :)


The Powerful Tiger
"Born leader" is the key phrase for tigers. They are always in the lead and are most likely the ones to cry out "Let's Go"! Noble and fearless, tigers are respected for their courage even by their opponents.

Tiger people are daring fighters and they are capable of fighting to the bitter end for what they think is right. Although they can be selfish from time to time in the little things, they are capable of great generosity. Tigers are unpredictable and always tense and in a hurry.

Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they have magnetic personalities and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet gentle.

Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident at times. Although they love adventures and are addicted to excitement it is better not to challenge a tiger. They like being in charge and may feel the need to put you in your place!

Because tigers are always in a hurry to get things done right, they usually choose to operate alone. Tigers like to work and are hard-working and dynamic. If you assign a task to a tiger, the job will be undertaken and accomplished with enthusiasm and efficiency. Tigers make money but they are not directly interested in money. Still, a tiger need not worry about money for just when he fears the money is gone, more seems to show up.

Tigers are sensitive and emotional. They are capable of great love but they become too intense about it. They are also territorial and possessive. If you are a friend of a tiger, he wants you to take his side against the bad guys and because the tiger is so adorable, you often do. As lovers, tigers are passionate and romantic, but the real challenge for a tiger is to grasp the true meaning of moderation. The best matches for a tiger is a dog, horse, or monkey. Good matches are a pig or dragon. Ok matches are a snake or rat. Matches of a rooster, another tiger, rabbit, ox, or sheep are not advised.