New Year's Eve


A slave who forever rocks
Does anyone know of anything going on for New Year's Eve?
I have heard jack squat about any kind of band playing or anything of interest.
And I don't want to have to buy one of those stupid $100 per person packages where all you get is crappy draft beer, a gay party hat and three hours of shitty '80's covers.
Let me know if you hear anything.

If nothing else, we'll have a party at Rachel's. ;)
If nothing else, we'll have a party at Rachel's. ;)

Haha! The only thing that has ever stopped me is lack of space (as you've seen). I can accommodate a few folks, but an all out party is hard, it sucks! ...unless I get a hotel room, LOL! Yeah that would land me in jail for sure.

I too have heard nada about NYE, but I haven't had the time to look either. I'm sure something will surface from someone. Party at Amber's!
Haha! The only thing that has ever stopped me is lack of space (as you've seen). I can accommodate a few folks, but an all out party is hard, it sucks! ...unless I get a hotel room, LOL! Yeah that would land me in jail for sure.

I too have heard nada about NYE, but I haven't had the time to look either. I'm sure something will surface from someone. Party at Amber's!

Ha Ha! The problem with my place (as you have seen) is the lack of parking. I'd have to hire a shuttle to bus you people from the strip mall parking lot to my house.
I miss the Snappy Weiner. :erk:

Those were parties of Epic proportions!
I'd have to hire a shuttle to bus you people from the strip mall parking lot to my house.

That would be epic in itself!:lol: The funny thing is that I have the opposite problem. I have plenty of parking that does not even require a parking pass! We'll just pick up your place and nestle it in the soccer field outside my balcony.:loco:

I miss the Snappy Weiner. :erk:

I concur.
Have fun and be safe whatever it is you do this New Years!
