New Years Resolutions


Sep 7, 2007
What it sounds like; resolutions, goals, etc that you probably won't succeed at but whatever. Post them here!


I resolve to be more tolerant of people's inane bullshit. Largely because I'll probably end up killing someone if I don't.

My other goals involve learning to play the acoustic guitar decently for purposes of attracting females (this works very well), getting into some more mainstream music to the point where I can have a conversation about music without mentioning metal, cultivating an appreciation for tea, and building my own 2x12 cabinet.
Keep up with 2010 new releases.
Lose weight/exercise more (How Original!!!)
Be more productive in general.
Get a new job
Not shoot myself
Drink much more beer everyday, grow my Metal collection, go to more shows, finally get a motorcycle. Become a certified auto mechanic. Become an intermediate guitar player. Continue studying languages, especially German, Finnish, Romanian, Korean. Actually make enough money to be able to do what I want.
o0o0o0o0 fennel and Parsnips are great!!!!! so many great things you can do with them, as well as Endive.

my resolutions:

finish this album
release it
get a record deal/manager etc

be less miserable and enjoy my life, as opposed to waisting it being unhappy and depressed all the time

be more positive
nothing huge:

try and meditate once a day everyday for at least 3 months
stay on top of my school work if not ahead
hike as much as possible :kickass:
Get into a good university and improve my guitar playing.

Also, to stop lurking around here and start posting actively instead.
A few things on my list:

Save money!! I always spend too much. It would be nice to have a savings account.

Respect other people's taste in music. I've tried to be accepting of what other people like, but I often get into pointless arguments.

Get more involved in my artwork.I was doing really well over the summertime, but with this new job I haven't done shit.

Expand my music collection.I listen to a good handful of bands, but I would really like to check out more black metal and power metal bands.

Spend more time with friends and family.This can be difficult when everyone has different schedules, but I don't want to take things for granted.

And possibly try to eat better and find time for at least some exercise. I miss my afternoon walks.
I don't really do "New Year's Resolutions" because it's pretty silly to wait until a specific date to set a goal for yourself, but here are some of the goals I already have for 2010:

  • Actually start recording music for real as I now have the equipment for it
  • Get LASIK surgery since I can currently afford it (contacts are way better than glasses, but they still suck)
  • Move somewhere other than Virginia by the end of the year, preferably southern Europe (I'm tired of the same old crowd/environment/weather/lifestyle, and feel like I'm missing out on a lot)

Some goals I accomplished in 2009 which I'm proud of are:

  • Graduated from college
  • Learned web development and made several cool websites
  • Got a credit card (okay, not a big deal, but still important)
  • Started learning a martial art

be less miserable and enjoy my life, as opposed to waisting it being unhappy and depressed all the time

Especially important while you're still young and have extra free time to enjoy life with.

nothing huge:

try and meditate once a day everyday for at least 3 months

I would consider that a pretty huge goal. I've tried to get into a meditation habit several times, and I always lose motivation. It takes a hell of a lot of patience, more so than I may be capable of. I'm hoping my Wing Chun practice will be a good alternate route to meditation since it's a good deal more stimulating than just sitting on the floor doing nothing.
I'm glad this horrible year will be over in 3 hours and 57 minutes.
Anyway, my New Year resolutions:
Buy a car.
Gain some weight.
Get well health-wise.
Pass successfully in my first year in Mechanical Engineering.
I'm keeping my goals reasonably modest this year: read everything in the long list of books I'd like to get through in the next 12 months, re-learn French (at least enough to hold a brief conversation), maybe try not to be so cold towards (some) people, and settle properly. I'm tired of moving.
and settle properly. I'm tired of moving.

I'm about to move for the fourth time in 7 months. :)

It isn't even for a job change either, so there could easily be another move shortly after this if I happen to get another job. I've just gotten fed up with all the noise/partying at my current place.
I have one thing I will religiously stick to. On Jan 1 I'm going to run everyday, alternating between distance running and gassers. Other than that I'm going to transfer to a major university and whatnot.
Get a Job
Gain weight
Graduate high school/go to college
Start playing guitar again and improve on it

And vihris, if you do get Lasik eye surgery let me know how it goes, I was thinking of doing it some day (not any time soon, but yeah).
Study Chinese (and do better with the characters), French, Latin, Norwegian, and Sanskrit every day
Speak more Spanish at home
Get my driver's license
Learn music theory
Do at least one piece of writing and visual art each week
Finish a novel
Get better socially on all levels
make more money
discover more metal
drink more alcohol
become a Tekken God
have more sex
gain muscle