new years resolutions


Active Member
Oct 29, 2002
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so what new years promises are you guys not gonna keep this year?

get a better job(this WILL happen)
get back in the gym so i can be the superbeast i used to be
and most importantly, see the maidens
Happy new year, Maiden-heads! Lots of stuff to do in a glorious new year! I already posted a response on a similar thread on the Sinergy board, but I'll recap 'em here!

1- Update Melz Homepage -- dammmitttt!!! Now that I am webmistress of no other websites (yet), I really have no excuse for not keeping my personal page in order

2 - re-establish my musical career. Look for me back on stage this month with my Raven Mad buds Hangar 18: A Tribute to Megadeth on 1/17 and 1/18. I am Mellefson! hehehhehh

3 - re-establsh my career that brings the ability to pay bills to my life. I return to Pomona at the end of the month.

4 - take personally enriching classes, workshops and seminars; I've already signed up for a Maquette sculpting class at the end of this month; wheeeee!

5 - reunite with my long lost muse
Things to get done this year...

1) Actually get some new recording done for my personal music project, and maybe have a version that is clear of extraterraneous copyrights (i.e. all original elements) by year's end.

2) Finish the remodeling project on the home (workroom for music & computer projects hinges on this)

3) While love continues to elude me (thus convincing me to give up the chase), it would be nice to have love walk into my life one more time (preferably carrying a 2x4 to slap me upside the head with to get my attention first). The first 24 relationships may have ruined it for me, but anything's possible I guess...

There are awesome people playing a (non-romantic) part in my life though (including the Maidens), so my life roars onward into the unknown...

Oh, yeah (just so EVERYONE is clear)...

4) Keep up cheering on Keyser and Mel. Two great gals we all have the privelege of knowing, and we all want to see them excel. I think everyone else should do the same, i.e.:

Keyser has a great site (! You all should make yourself heard in her forums - shame on you for not being heard there!

We all love Mel (in that brotherly/sisterly/cloned alien sort of way), so I expect everyone to make her next few gigs truly memorable! Pack the house people! I'll even try to make one (a 'reunion gig' with Mel's new band playing with the Maidens would be helpful).

Note to self - people may misconstrue my cheerleading as something more; find a way to quash that perception 'cuz there isn't).
Mellefson? That's funny, like it I do. I was thinkin about that, you gettin into Hangar 18. It be good ta see ya on de stages of So Cali again, flyin hair, racoon tail swingin, rockin out to thrashy metal again, whee!
oh yeah, i got another resolution: quit cussing so damn much!

PS. hey mel, even though the site isnt finished, it still looks pretty good
Originally posted by thebigyetti
so what new years promises are you guys not gonna keep this year?

get a better job(this WILL happen)
get back in the gym so i can be the superbeast i used to be
and most importantly, see the maidens


This is one band that is worth the trip. Hearing them again last night reminded me of just how DEAD ON they are. Linda's drumming sounded absolutely incredible last night, as were the Sara/JoJo guitar tag team, and Wanda too. Jen's vocals and stage presence must be experienced - way too cool! They even played the Rime (ALL OF IT)!!! And also Revelations - damn that sounded awesome!!!

If flying out is ever an option, you will not regret it!
1. Get less mad at stupid people
2. Take more time off and actually do something
3. Interview Rob Halford or Bruce Dickinson for The Metal Hall, before I die
4. Hit the gym at least 5 times per week (did it today...)
5. be a little more open minded when it comes to other kinds of music
6. Be nicer to people
7. Kick someone's ass before I die
8. Interview Metallica before I die (I'm not holding much hope on this one...)
There's more...
but I'm a little sleepy now
Let's see... a fe...

1. Get the Maidens back to Spokane and to a better venue.
2. Take better pictures of the Maidens than I did last time.
3. Pursue a number of the quintessential health improvement resolutions.
4. Be more diligent in studying and practicing music. I have enough gear here to outfit an entire band and haven't learned to play any of it, yet.
5. Keep up better on my meditation.
6. Redo my webpage.
Here we go:

1) Start a Shania Twain Tribute called "Shania's Twin". I won't be playing an instrument in the project... but I'll play the role of Mutt Lange.

- I don't know how well this will sit with the wife, since she shot down my Selina Tribute idea a few years back.

2) Improve on my chickin' pickin' guitar technique

3) Add some King Diamond/Mercyful Fate songs to the song list

4) Lower current consumption of caffeine... it's getting out of hand people. I'm up to 4 cups of coffee, 2 cups of green tea, & 2 diet cokes per day.

5) Sleep at least 6 hours a night

6) Finally release the PM CD that I've had in the can for over a year!

7) Get my ABS to look like Bruce Lee's... "hey are those brownies I see in your cubicle?"

8) Get "Master of the Flying Guillotine" on DVD

9) Gig more often

10) Make it on to the next "Survivor" cast
Originally posted by bassbitch
- re-establish my musical career. Look for me back on stage this month with my Raven Mad buds Hangar 18: A Tribute to Megadeth on 1/17 and 1/18. I am Mellefson! hehehhehh
Mellefson? That rules! Does this mean you'll be playing with a pick now Mel?
1) to make music even more important in my life.
2) to be performing more than ever this year in multiple projects.
3) to remember to be kind more often.
4) to get more control of my Irish temper!:eek:
5) to convince my boyfriend it's time to get a new puppy!
"Revelations," no shit?! I haven't caught that one in the set before.

I only intend to better myself and life this year. No real specifics (actually theres many - I'm just not gonna list all million of them). Just everything in general that I find important to my well being mentally and physically. And they're all obtainable. ACCOMPLISH is my word for the year. Starting right n... eh, tomorrow!
Originally posted by downure
"Revelations," no shit?! I haven't caught that one in the set before.

My bad. I was pretty tired (and still recovering from the plane trip back home) when I posted. The song in question is Hallowed.

Mr Toast