Thank you And don´t forget to visit the "Dukes" Steaks of the Universe
How long where you there? And where did you stay?
I miss it.
I was there 10 days and we stayed at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Midtown. We also met with Metaltastic and J.DavisNJ of the sneap forum It was a great time!
first pic makes me not want to go, second makes me want to congratulate you on having such a pretty girlfriend
third and fourth look cool
Yeah I saw those pics. ..
Holy crap the Grand Hyatt? I allready checked that out about a month ago...atleast 3000$ for 9 nights... just a bit over my budget ..
Thanks man I give further the compliment!
Oh yeah @funky animal, it´s a fucking expensive place there at Midtown! We were in the Hotel´s bar..Jackie Coke, a Coke & 1 Beer for 41 $
I take it you've seen my darling then? have I posted pics here or something?
No, I didn´t see pics of your girlfriend. Misunderstanding obiously. I wanted to give YOUR compliment further to my girlfriend.
So I pressume you got a complimantery lapdance from the hot waitress for that price?
oh, sorry I misunderstood then, no sweat