New York style, New York state of mind ... = ?


Burning headbanger
Jul 24, 2009
Hey guys,

posted this in another thread but did not get any answer (guess it might have disappeared between the many discussions).

So here we go again:
Who'd be kind enough to summarize this for a non-New Yorker (who has never even been there, and not much in America either, for that matter)?

"But Anthrax has this New York way of thinking that has always been in a New York state of mind."


Would appreciate some kind of answer. :popcorn:
New York state of mind = NY is better than everywhere else on Earth, since you're from NY, you're better than non New Yorkers etc
New York state of mind = NY is better than everywhere else on Earth, since you're from NY, you're better than non New Yorkers etc

It sounds almost like arrogance to me ... have come across this way of thinking though where I come from, so I guess there must be other "features" to it as well. :D
I might be able to point to a thing or two, but it's pretty hard to summarize the whole thing. Here's what our immortal friend George Carlin once said on the subject (or near the subject):

"...The problem most New Yorkers have with Los Angeles is that it is fragmented and lacks a vital center. The people have no common experience. Instead, they exude a kind of bemused detachment that renders them intensely uninteresting. the West Coast experience is soft and peripheral, New York is hard and concentrated. California is a small woman saying, "Fuck me." New York is a large man saying, "Fuck you! :) "
"New York has energy, and all I can say is this: If you can't handle it, stay the fuck out. Living in New York is a character-builder; you must know who you are, what you're doing, where you're going, and how to get there. No bullshit tolerated! New York people are tough and resilient. All the rest of you are varying degrees of soft."
"Most outsiders can't handle New York, so they wind up back in Big Loins, Arkansas, badmouthing The City for the rest of their lives. Actually, most of the people who run New York down have never been there. And if they ever went, we would destroy them in nine minutes. People hate New York, because that's where the action is, and they know it's passing them by. Most of the decisions that control people's lives are made in New York City. Not in Washington, not on Pennsylvania Avenue. In New York City! Madison Avenue and Wall Street. People can't handle that. Pisses 'em off. Fuck 'em!"
I might be able to point to a thing or two, but it's pretty hard to summarize the whole thing. Here's what our immortal friend George Carlin once said on the subject (or near the subject):

"...The problem most New Yorkers have with Los Angeles is that it is fragmented and lacks a vital center. The people have no common experience. Instead, they exude a kind of bemused detachment that renders them intensely uninteresting. the West Coast experience is soft and peripheral, New York is hard and concentrated. California is a small woman saying, "Fuck me." New York is a large man saying, "Fuck you! :) "
"New York has energy, and all I can say is this: If you can't handle it, stay the fuck out. Living in New York is a character-builder; you must know who you are, what you're doing, where you're going, and how to get there. No bullshit tolerated! New York people are tough and resilient. All the rest of you are varying degrees of soft."
"Most outsiders can't handle New York, so they wind up back in Big Loins, Arkansas, badmouthing The City for the rest of their lives. Actually, most of the people who run New York down have never been there. And if they ever went, we would destroy them in nine minutes. People hate New York, because that's where the action is, and they know it's passing them by. Most of the decisions that control people's lives are made in New York City. Not in Washington, not on Pennsylvania Avenue. In New York City! Madison Avenue and Wall Street. People can't handle that. Pisses 'em off. Fuck 'em!"

That's arrogance for you, and you wonder why a lot of the world hates America if New York has so much seem to think the rest of the world should just fall into line and be like you, well that's a dictatorship dressed as freedom in my opinion. Now I will prepare my heat shield as the flames will surely be coming now...........
That's arrogance for you, and you wonder why a lot of the world hates America if New York has so much seem to think the rest of the world should just fall into line and be like you, well that's a dictatorship dressed as freedom in my opinion. Now I will prepare my heat shield as the flames will surely be coming now...........

Take it easy, no flames will be coming your way.
You, probably, are not familiar with the author of the quote. He was a great master of hyperbola after all.
But if it's true that "a lot of the world hates America if New York has so much control", then this lot is totally fucked up.
Take it easy, no flames will be coming your way.
You, probably, are not familiar with the author of the quote. He was a great master of hyperbola after all.
But if it's true that "a lot of the world hates America if New York has so much control", then this lot is totally fucked up.

That's all good. Nothing personal, I think 90% of people in the US are the coolest, it's just the politics.........
ok, so this is what Anthrax stands for ...?!

Or does anyone wanna add something to this?
I've met New Yorkers who literally believe New York is the center of the universe. I don't know if all of them are like that, but the ones I've met all had that attitude, at least to a degree. Historically, New York has always been important to this country.

It was one of the oldest colonies, it was one of the first sites of battle in the American Revolution, and has always been important in international shipping. Culturally, many of America's greatest sporting moments took place in New York, or at least involved New York teams. The New York Times bestseller list is still important to any author of significance in America. It seems sometimes that roughly 95% of all American films and tv shows took place in New York. Broadway is considered the epicenter of theater.

It just seems like New York is in the mix with any American institution, which isn't really true, but that's the perception.
IMO, the arrogance that the rest of the world hates doesn't come from New York as much as it comes from fucking Texas.

Your sig says it all but I still feel like I need to defend myself. Texas is fucking awesome. Yeah we have an asshole governer who is running for president but only half of the people voting voted for him. So that means that only half of the people support extreme oppressive religious ideals.

Have you ever lived in TX or is this the same "lets hate on a location based off of the few negative experiences we've had" Which happens with every place in the world, by the way.

The land itself is beautiful and I'm fortunate to know very many straight up good, accepting and tolerant people.

What's your beef man? What makes you hate TX so? It can't be the Tex-Mex thats for goddamn sure.
Your sig says it all but I still feel like I need to defend myself. Texas is fucking awesome. Yeah we have an asshole governer who is running for president but only half of the people voting voted for him. So that means that only half of the people support extreme oppressive religious ideals.

Have you ever lived in TX or is this the same "lets hate on a location based off of the few negative experiences we've had" Which happens with every place in the world, by the way.

The land itself is beautiful and I'm fortunate to know very many straight up good, accepting and tolerant people.

What's your beef man? What makes you hate TX so? It can't be the Tex-Mex thats for goddamn sure.

I know a French guy who always had very good experiences in Texas. Would like to go there myself and check out some cool relaxed places. Would bring an acoustic guitar and order some great steaks! =) What would be the "traditional beer of choice" in like Dallas or Houston?
in saying that he meant that we were so laid back and friendly,was a great compliment,vinnie paul always said that australia was like 1 big texas,alot of people say we are similar to canada.
I know a French guy who always had very good experiences in Texas. Would like to go there myself and check out some cool relaxed places. Would bring an acoustic guitar and order some great steaks! =) What would be the "traditional beer of choice" in like Dallas or Houston?

It depends on who you ask. Of the cheap shit there's Lone Star which has a long heritage but is however no longer brewed by a central brewery. Pabst contracts it out to breweries like the Miller Brewery in Ft Worth. It's an American Lager or Cream Ale like Budweiser. It's not bad and TX would probably be willing to secede if the feds tried to shut it down.

Of the "craft" breweries I'd say Spoetzl's Shiner is the most "traditional" It was founded by a German immigrant and eventually bought out by another dude. Pretty weak bock but its many people's gateway into craft beer so that's alright with me. I dislike the stuff but it's pretty popular. They also have many other styles they brew with some less traditional stuff like Cheer which is made with pecans and peaches and Ruby Redbird with TX ruby red grapefruit and ginger.

My personal favorite is Southern Star brewery which is located in Conroe TX about 1-2 hours from Houston depending on where you start. They opened with their Pine Belt Pale Ale in 2008 with a brewer from Houston's St Arnold Brewery (also not bad) becoming master brewer. They brew my new staple beer which is Bombshell Blonde. Super awesome good beer and the Buried Hatchet Stout will knock your socks off!

There's quite a few more craft breweries in TX as well. But I'll cut myself off. This was a hard question to answer but I gave it my best! If you ever try any of this stuff let me know what you think!

Edit: I guess to clarify that I should point out Shiner and Lone Star although not being my faves are Top selling TX beers. Other than the big companies of course.
I also forgot to point a finger to cerveza. Being as close as we are to Mexico we have a huge selection of imports. Corona being the top seller. Dos XX being my fave.
With the large Hispanic population they're pretty traditional too ;)
Your sig says it all but I still feel like I need to defend myself. Texas is fucking awesome. Yeah we have an asshole governer who is running for president but only half of the people voting voted for him. So that means that only half of the people support extreme oppressive religious ideals.

Have you ever lived in TX or is this the same "lets hate on a location based off of the few negative experiences we've had" Which happens with every place in the world, by the way.

The land itself is beautiful and I'm fortunate to know very many straight up good, accepting and tolerant people.

What's your beef man? What makes you hate TX so? It can't be the Tex-Mex thats for goddamn sure.

You know what?

Yer right, bro. It was a bit harsh of me. It's just a lot of people I've met from Texas have been Rick Perry cookie cutters. And a lot of people's opinions of TX come from that attitude, much like people's attitudes of irritating NFL fans comes a lot from Packers fans (as a Packers fan, it's a mostly fair cop). But yeah, that Xian-neocon-Texan thing rubs me the wrong way, and it's not fair to say that all of TX is like that. Sorry man. (FYI, not sarcastic, genuine)

And tex-mex food does kick ass, as does good BBQ brisket.

But you guys can keep Perry. :lol: