Newbie mix test!

Hey everyone, this is my first post ever on this forum. Just wanted to post a quick mix i did in about an hour. Check it out, give me your feedback.

Gear used:

Logic 9


Sounds badass man, im digging everything except the snare and cymbals. Rework the snare by completely getting rid of the low range, cut in the low frequencies, give it a bit in the mids and a bit in the higher ranges, and turn the cymbals up! otherwise a pretty full mix, not bad for one of your first ones
Thanks guys for your input. I'll definitely try what you said to do to the snare. And no, there probably won't be any vocals to it right now, but it's probably going to be part of a new song for the band I'm in. I'm gonna rework it a little.
The Snare sounds too much compressed + what has been said about its EQing
Bass as an annoying low end, maybe also something wrong with the comp?